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Thursday, July 4, 2024

‘Ghosts’ by Chimamanda Adichi Silent Song

  “Many individuals struggle with ghosts from their past.” Write a composition with clear illustrations from the short story ‘Ghosts’ by Chimamanda Adichie to validate this statement.


Most individuals in the society usually struggle to overcome some the past experiences that they have undergone. This leaves them traumatized for most parts of their lives. Chimamanda Adichie’s short story ‘Ghosts’ bring out characters and situations where people struggle to cope with the experiences they had undergone. For instances, Professor James Nwoye cannot let go what experiences he has goes as a result of the Biafran war.

Points of Interpretation.

(i)                 Ikenna Okoro, who was thought to have died during the war, has unexpectedly returned as a "ghost" of his former self. James describes Ikenna as a prominent voice against widespread corruption, and also presumably for Biafran independence. When they meet, Prof James Nwoye describes him a man who has become discoloured, dotted with brown age spots. His laughter is ‘… seemed discoloured, hollow, nothing like the aggressive sound tht reverberated all over the Staff Club in those days, …’

Nicole's Determination in John Lara’s The Samaritan.

 In life, one must stand for something in order to gain something. Write an essay to validate this statement with close reference to Nicole in John Lara’s The Samaritan.

Nicole, the Ethics and Innovation teacher at Sagrada Secondary School, is the embodiment of an unwavering moralist determined to bring positive change to Maracas Municipality./ Despite facing serious resistance from the leaders, her effort bears fruit when the corrupt leaders are apprehended. Resoluteness in doing the right things brings victory.


  • Nicole stands firm when the Mayor of Maracas Municipality orders for a halting of activities related to the Samaritan App and her firmness pays off.
  • The aim of the Samaritan App is to expose corruption and agitate for the prosecution of the culprits.
  • When he realises that the App may expose his failures, ineptness and corrupt deeds and possibly lead to his prosecution, Mossi-oa-Tunya declines to launch it or award Alvita and Montano
  • He alleges that the App may turn out to be a platform for misinformation, lies and witch-hunt.
  • Although he acknowledges that the school is doing a good job in nurturing visionaries and innovators, he has jitters about giving the Samaritan App the green light.
  • The skit by Nicole, Alvita and Montano clearly demonstrates that the App can be used to share sensitive information like the Municipal Procurement Process.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Commonly asked Questions

 What is the book The Samaritan set about?

The Samaritan is a play of two students  Alvita and Montano in maracas municipality who develop a mobile App called The Samaritan-an online platform for exposing as well as sharing ideas and information enhancing public welfare.

What is the theme of The Samaritan notes?

Greed and Corruption, Misappropriation of public Funds, Crime, Lawlessness,  Abuse of office, Misuse of power and Negligence of duty , Intimidation and Fear,  Conflict, The role of Media, Violence, Nepotism, Sexual Immorality, Injustice, Education, Environmental Degradation.

The Samaritan By John Lara/ Hon. Ted

Hon. Ted

Municipal secretary for the Department of Health and Environment.

Misquandered funds that would have been used to build a hospital.

responsible for Noise Pollution from Nightclub

He used to Pirate other people's Music

He is illiterate

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta Episodes


  1. Four Strangers Check in Seamount Hotel
  2. The Guide from AGDA Contact Prof. Kimani
  3. McKenzie Interview with Afolabi
  4. The Stay For Heads of State in Banjul.
The Guide Contact Pastor Chineke Chiamaka and Later the other strangers

  1. Prof. Kimani's Career
  2. Msitu mpya nyani ni wale wale
  3. Tuni talks of Safety
  4. Tuni's death
  5. Asiya Leaves Kimani 
  6. Kimani VS Newborn Walomu
  7. Kimani joins AGDA
  1. McKenzie and the Taxi Driver
  2. The Silent Listener
  3. McKenzie Late Night Visit
  1. Afolabi Meets Pamela's Father - Baby Monitor
  2. Flight Back To Nigeria from Washington
  3. Pamela Leaves Afolabi
  1. Comrade Melusi Security Check Up
  2. Melusi Lunch with Longway at Chaminuka Restaurant
  3. Ziliza's Death
Poles of Influence

Chineke The Reckless Driver
Chineke Accident and Miracles
Pastor Chineke Chiamaka
God is watching you
Pastor Chineke Arrest

Commonly Asked Questions in Fathers of Nations

  1. Main Themes in Fathers of Nations?
  2. What is the significance of the title Fathers of Nations?
  3. What is the short summary of Fathers of Nations?
  4. Who are the main characters in Fathers of Nations?
  5. What is the cause of Tuni's death in Fathers of Nations?
  6. Who is Tuni in Fathers of Nations?
  7. What is the setting of the Fathers of Nations?
  8. What is the theme of poor leadership in Fathers of Nations?
  9. What is way Omega in Fathers of Nations?
  10. What is the setting of the Fathers of Nations?

Friday, April 12, 2024

Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta Essay Questions and Answer


1) Good leadership generates security and desirable resources and opportunities distribution, discuss the irony of this statement basing your arguments on the novel Fathers of nations by Paul B, Vitta

2) Discuss the theme of Religion as depicted in the Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations.

3) "Change is irresistible in any society setup." Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write an essay to justify this statement.

4) The death of a beloved one can cause intense response. Basing your argument Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations, discuss this statement. 

5) Write an essay on the disputes that arise and how each is resolved in the novel Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta.

6) Identify and illustrate any stylistic devices Paul B. Vita has used to tell the story in Fathers of Nations.



1) Using appropriate examples from The Samaritan, by John Lara show how the theme of Corruption has been illustrated. 

2) Discuss the cases of conflict in The Samaritan by John Lara.

3) John Lara has employed the theme of courage. By referring to Nicole, show how true this statement is. 

4) Clearly residents of Maracas Municipality have not completely forgotten their responsibilities as citizens. Justify this statement, giving illustrations from The Samaritan by John Lara.

5) State and explain the character traits of Mossi in the text, The Samaritan by John Lara.

6) A person who is unshakeable and does what is expected of him/her usually emerges triumphant. Referring to the play, support this statement.

7) "Most of the African leaders are dictators who cover up for their inadequacies." Using, The Samaritan, justify the above statement using Mossi as an example.

8) The condition of Maracas can be blamed on its leaders, Discuss the validity of this statement, basing your argument on the play The Samaritan Text.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Alvita's Future

 Alvita's Future

  • People Were Creative
  • Intelligent Robots Replaced Professionals
  • Justice was Rendered Without discrimination
  • Life Expectancy had increased to over 700 Years
  • Machines were doing work in factories, Hotel and Hospital
  • Self Driven vehicles ferrying robots in town
  • People were busy with intellectual pursuits
  • Humans had ventured outside earth conquering new territories
  • There was a technology for cleaning air
  • They would make rain

The Samaritan: Montano Future

Montano Future
  •  It was 50 Years from now
  • Montano saw Alvita working as a cobbler severely battered.
  • Millions of young people lacked employment.
  • People were poor, hungry and angry.
  • Cities had bad stench 
  • Water was scarce.
  • Climatic Change- Raining once in a year for ten minutes
  • People had adapted to eating strange things
  • Life expectancy had dropped drastically.
  • Diseases and malnutrition
  • Crime was high.
  • Injustice among the Law Enforcers and Judges
For more of this and Feedback ,WhatsApp 0711224186

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Characters


Narine: Principal at Sagrada Secondary School

Carmona: Deputy Principal at Sagrada Secondary School

Pirro: Chairman, Local School Board

Nicole: Ethics and Innovation Teacher , Sagrada Secondary School

Alvita: Student at Sagrada Secondary School

MontanoStudent at Sagrada Secondary School

Shalini: School principal Secretary

The Samaritan by John Lara Characters

 Leaders at Maracas Municipality

Municipality Def: An administrative unit that governs a specific urban area such as a town or city. (Wikipedia)

Mossi: Maracas Municipality Mayor

Ramdaye : Maracas Municipality, Deputy

Basdeo: Political Opposition Leader, Maracas Municipality

Bembe: Inspector General of police, Maracas Municipality

Harvester: Chief Executive Officer, Maracas Municipality

Jaden: Principal Judge, Maracas Municipality

Seymour: Secretary Department of Planning and Development Maracas Municipality

Ted: Secretary, Department of Health and Environment Maracas Municipality.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Afolabi Interview with Mckenzie Excerpt ( Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta)

Fathers of Nations By Paul B Vitta Excerpt (pg.6)

Before this Excerpt

Afolabi introduces himself to Ms McKenzie

Mckenzie infor ms Afolabi of where he studies at Havard and he is now teaching at Ibadan University

Mckenzie also makes Afolabi know that she has read his book.

He averted his eyes to enjoy this fame in the correct manner - with humility he hopes' she would easily see through. This black Scotswoman surely knew her trade, he thought. ( McKenzie is informed/ Intelligent)

Why is Afolabi calling her This Black Scotswoman- Mckenzie was Brought up by Scottish Missionaries. They took her in while she was less than an year Old here in Banjul. Her natural parents were Gambians but they passed on.

“When I heard you were here at The Seamount Hotel, Dr Afolabi, I decided to come and see you. So here I am. This is all so funny” 

Fiona McKenzie Late Night Visit- Excerpt

Before this Excerpt
Fiona Ecounter with the Liberian Mauler
Afolabi rescues Fiona
Fiona treats Afolabi wound

The door to the bathroom opened. Fiona emerged and started walking but stopped. Her eyes had not adjusted to the darkness in the living room. “Where are you?” she asked “Over here” he said. “I have taken a couch in the living room. Go take the bed in the bedroom.”
style used -DIALOGUE- conversation btwn Afolabi and Fiona.
Afolabi is Hospitable- welcomes Fiona and offers her the Couch.
Respect for women- Afolabi Sleeps on the couch and Fiona in the bedroom

“You’re acting as if you might have a wife,” she said. “Do you?” 
“No, she divorced me last year.” Theme- Family Disintegration/ HONESTY (honest to Fiona)
“Did she?”

The Truly Married by Aboise Niol/Deceitful

The short Story: A Silent Song and other stories by Godwin Siundu (Ed)

Humans are deceitful in nature and can live in pretence before revealing their true nature. Write an essay in support of this. Use the story The Truly Married by Aboise Niol.

 Human beings have the ability of keeping appearances without being discovered. This is the case as seen in Ajayi’s wife who keeps appearances until the moment she realized she can do without them. This is seen in the text The Truly Married Woman in the following instances.

 Points to consider
Ayo keeps her husband comfortable before marriage by taking her supportive role keenly.
She rises up early to prepare Ajayi his favourite cup of morning tea before serving him his breakfast. After her official marriage she changes and doesn’t do this. She instead tells him to do that by himself. ‘’Get up make yourself a cup of tea’’ (p 48)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Vrenika Pather's Ninema /Admirable

People with admirable traits stand out. Basing your illustrations on Vrenika Pather's Ninema, write an essay to validate this assertion. 


Exemplary attributes arouse respect and approval. Ninema is a young beautiful woman whose praiseworthy character makes her the embodiment of magnificence. She stands out from the pack at the marketplace. 

points to consider 

Ninema is industrious. She rises early at 4:00 AM to reap her herbs from her garden. She has green fingers and her crops are healthy. She is also an enterprising businesswoman. To earn a living, she sells fresh produce at the Indian market. She learned the trade from her parents. Her business makes a good profit. At the end of a long working day, her hanky bulges with notes and coins. Her diligence makes her remarkably superior to others. 

Ninema is resilient. She is as tough as old boots. She is contented and accepts her situation but does not resign to it. She faces many challenges and wins. She is thus respected.

Leonard Kaberia’s A Silent Song/ Actions

Drawing illustrations from Leonard Kaberia’s A Silent Song prove that our actions have more impact than what we say. 


Humanity is premised on love for one another. When we fail to show love and compassion to the less privileged in society, we act more or less like beasts. On the other hand building a united caring society needs our deliberate, conscious efforts to reach out to those in need.

Points to Consider
Ezekiel fails to provide proper habitation for his own brother. He is sick and lives in a flea infested hut. The pavement in town may have been better.

Though the brother is a preacher, and we expect better from him, he fails to take Mbane to hospital for treatment.  His wife, however, tries by giving Mbane some medicine.

Eric Ng’maryo’s ,Ivory Bangles

Some cultural practices do not add value hence should be done away with. Show the truth in this statement basing your illustrations from Eric Ng’maryo’s Ivory Bangles.

Some traditions in our societies have lost meaning and should be done away with/abandoned as seen in the story ivory bangles by Eric Ng’maryo.

Points To consider

T1 believe in the seer.
The only visits the seer considered as the priest of people. (pg. 21)
- He goes to the seer because of his superstitious nature. He had to consult the seer since he had noted blood specks on the liver of a goat that he had slaughtered (pg. 21)
- This is a cultural practice that has lost meaning for its meant to drive a wedge between him and his wife.

T2. Polygamy
- His monogamous state was a concern for the aging chief who told him to get another wife (pg. 23)

Incident in the Park by Meja Mwangi /Unethical acts

People commit unethical acts as a result of lack of care. Citing illustrations from Incident in the Park by Meja Mwangi, write an essay to validate this statement.


Immorality stems from people’s indifference. Unethical acts like negligence and brutality result from lack of care. Blood thirsty city dwellers brutally murder an innocent fruit seller without batting an eyelid in Incident in the Park.

Government workers go about their business ignoring the ravaging effects of the drought on the neglected park. The park is dirty and brown. There was no promise of rain that August. The ground is dusty brown, bare and parched. The ministerial offices, City Hall and parliament buildings and the ominous cathedral are a stone throw away from the pathetic looking park. The ministerial offices are modern  fortresses and its occupants conveniently ignore the park which clearly lacks proper care. This is evidenced by the dry bits of grass, dry leaves and thirsty trees. Only delicate flowers, planted like oasis islands at various spots, are watered in a desperate effort to keep the dirty brown park beautiful.

The short story Godwin siundu, A Silent Song and Other Stories

 The Optional Set Texts Essay Questions

The short story Godwin siundu, A Silent Song and Other Stories 

Life for people living with disabilities may be made better if they are accorded all the support they may need. Referring to the short story “A Silent Song” by Leonard Kibera, write an essay to show how the lives of people living with disabilities can be made worthwhile.

Life for the people living with disabilities can be traumatising to them. However, it is the duty of everyone in the society to try and make their life better by availing them with all the support and assistance they may require. The short story a silent song tries to show the support we may offer the people living with disabilities in the following way

Points of interpretation

S (i) shelter

Mbane had been living in the streets all his life begging in the city where there was a lot of ruggedness and noise, with quick footsteps of people who would keep him alive with a drop of copper in his hat. His brother rescues him from the streets and brings him to his hut which felt so serene. Mbane no longer had to endure hostile cold nights and the basest of thieves he encountered in the streets.

S (ii) company

After being ‘rescued’ from the streets where he spent his nights on the hard pavement, he recounts how no one spoke to him for a long time. He was accustomed to speaking to himself in his thoughts.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

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Sunday, November 6, 2022

Change In A Doll's House

Nora changes her perception of marriage and life and discovers that there has been no happiness in her marriage. 

"it gives me great pain, Torvald, for you have been always kind to me, but I cannot help it. I do not love you any more. (pg 117). 

She decides to walk out on Helmer. 

Friday, October 21, 2022

Resilience always pays | Inheritance

 Resilience always pays. Drawing illustrations from David Mulwas’s Inheritance, validate this statement.


We are faced with many difficult situations but it should never be the end of everything. We should press on just like Lulu,Bengo,Reverend Sangoi

 Ri) Citizens

The citizens of Kutula are subjected to inhumane conditions. They are mistreated,killed,maimed,exploited intimidated and denied their rights .These barbaric acts set them against the cruel regime of Lacuna Kasso,these bad experiences do not put them down but they revolt and are unable to move on as liberated citizen.

 Rii) Bengo

Bengo preaches the message of the removal of the dictatorial regime, even when in prison; he still communicates to the people and this confirmed by Lulu who says they got his message even when he is in prison, he does not even give up the fight to see removal of bad leadership even after being imprisoned for more than ten years. He comes out and proceeds with the revolutions and rebellion against Lacuna, this eventually comes to fruition when Lacuna is toppled.

Satisfaction We need | The folded leaf

Drawing illustrations from Segun Afolabi’s short story, The folded leaf, write an essay to shows that the satisfaction we need to be happy in our lives is always within and around us.


The story ‘Folded Leaf’ by Segun Afolabi explores the characters’ desperate search for healing from their various physical ailments against the reality of who they are only for them to end up disappointed. This is seen through Bunmi, who is blind and the other Christians who are disabled in different ways seeking miracle healing from Pastor Fayemi.

 The journey to the would-be healing venue in Lagos long and uncomfortable probably to foreshadow the futility of the journey as well as their expectations. They are harassed by the police officers at the road block and are only allowed to proceed with their journey after bribing the police. (p. 83-84). Bola says there is so much traffic in Lagos- more cars than people, the roads have potholes making the journey uncomfortable.

Betrayal in our Society | A Dolls House

“There is a lot of betrayal in our society”. Write a composition to support this statement drawing your illustration from the play “A doll House”, By Henrik Ibsen

 Most people betrays others by deceiving who trusted them, failing to honor an agreement or simply disappointing a person who has put trust in them. A marriage partner may betray his or her partner by breaking the vow or being unfaithful; A politician betrays the citizens by not honoring his or her campaign pledges/Betrayal run through the play as show by characters such as Helmar, Krogstad and Christine.

  Helmer betrays his wife Nora by not defending and understanding her when he finds out the secret she has been keeping from him. Nora had hoped and feared for the wonderful thing to happen when Helmer finds out that she had lied and sacrificed her comfort and money to pay the loan that save his life. She had hoped that Helmer would take the guilt upon himself because Nora committed the forgery to save his life. To her wild disappointment, Helmer tells her that he can work day and night for her, bear sorrow for her but no man can sacrifices his honor for the one he loves. She also realizes that the Helmer has been treating like a doll to amuse and entertain himself. This makes her realize she has been living with a stranger all a long and she decides to leave him.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Desperation can bring agony to one self | A Doll's House

 Henrik Ibsen:A Doll’s House

“Desperation can bring agony to oneself.” Using specific examples from Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, write a composition to justify the truth in this statement.


Sometimes when one becomes desperate to get or do something they may end up suffering in the process. This is the case with characters such as Nora, Dr. Rank, Helmer and others in A Doll’s House.


D (i) Krogstad is desperate to redeem his reputation through the job he has at the bank and in so doing he suffers a lot. He visits Nora frequently hoping to arm-twist her to put in a good word for him to retain the job. He threatens her with dire consequences through a court action if she would not do so. He reminds Nora of the discrepancy he had noted in the bond. However, instead of retaining the job, he gets fired.

D (ii) Helmer is desperate to maintain his manly dominance over Nora and this makes him suffer. He struggles to keep her in good moods by giving her money. He cautions her against associating with those regarded as morally diseased such as Krogstad. He coaches her on the Tarantella so as to have a stellar performance at the Stenborg’s and is disappointed when Nora doesn’t dance as he instructs. Finally, when Nora decides to walk out on him, he pleads with her to remain even if they were to behave like a brother and a sister. He asks if he even write to her but Nora refuses. In the he is embarrassed and sinks down in his chair when Nora leaves.

Resilience always pays | Inheritance

Resilience always pays. Drawing illustrations from David Mulwas’s Inheritance, validate this statement.


We are faced with many difficult situations but it should never be the end of everything. We should press on just like Lulu,Bengo,Reverend Sangoi

Ri) Citizens

The citizens of Kutula are subjected to inhumane conditions. They are mistreated,killed,maimed,exploited intimidated and denied their rights .These barbaric acts set them against the cruel regime of Lacuna Kasso,these bad experiences do not put them down but they revolt and are unable to move on as liberated citizen.

 Rii) Bengo

Bengo preaches the message of the removal of the dictatorial regime, even when in prison; he still communicates to the people and this confirmed by Lulu who says they got his message even when he is in prison, he does not even give up the fight to see removal of bad leadership even after being imprisoned for more than ten years. He comes out and proceeds with the revolutions and rebellion against Lacuna, this eventually comes to fruition when Lacuna is toppled.

Living with the Sick | Memories we Lost

 Drawing examples from Mqombothi’s story, Memories We Lost, write a composition to show that when we live with the sick we need to show them love and compassion.


Those who are sick in our midst require compassion for them to recover. This is the case in the story Memories We Lost.


S (i) The narrator’s sister is attacked while playing near hot porridge. She hurls the pot which misses the narrator’s face but lands on the chest. She is pain and strips off her clothes. When the sister comes to she sympathizes with what happened to her sister. The narrator lies to her that she had poured hot water on herself. This is to save her the agony she would have felt if she learned she had caused the sister that much pain.

 S (ii) The narrator’s sister is attacked in the classroom. She throws desks and breaks windows and everybody runs away scared of her. But the narrator stands in front of her and looks at her straight in the face. She scans the environment, recognizes her sister and “returns’. Whereas everybody flees from her, the narrator remains.

Wrong Judgement | A Doll's House

 Using Tovald Helmer for illustrations, write an essay on how one can have wrong judgement about others drawing your illustrations from Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.


One can easily have a wrong perception of a person based on their physical appearance. One who is smartly dressed for instance, would command respect as opposed to a person who is shabbily dressed. This is true of A doll’s House from the way Helmer perceives certain characters in the text.

 i) Ji- Intelligent

Torvald thinks Nora is not intelligent. Yet she is very intelligent. Helmer calls her demeaning names like little featherhead, little obstinate person. Nora saves Torvald’s life and from the suffering.  She goes against societal norms by borrowing money despite women being barred from doing so unless with husbands permission. She manages to forge her father’s signature.

She is able to device ways of repaying the loan and manages to keep it a secret. She manages to cunningly convince Torvald to offer Mrs. Linde a job.                     

'Grey and Ulcerous' | The Pearl

“He looked into its surface and it was grey and ulcerous” with close reference to the Pearl, write an essay explaining how the pearl could be said to be grey and ulcerous.


When Kino gets the pearl of the world he has high hopes that it will transform his life and that of his life family for the better. Unfortunately for him the pearl turns to be the cause of his misfortunes. This as illustrated in the arguments below.

 The doctor – When the doctor learnt that Kino Had the pearl of the world he decides to try his lack at benefiting from it. He declares that Coyotito is a patient of his and visits Kino with the intention of treating the boy and getting the pearl as his payment. When he realizes that that Coyotito had recovered from the scorpion sting,he resorts to poisoning him. This caused Kino and his wife a lot of agony as they fear for their son since the doctors treatment worsened Coyotito’s condition (pages 41, 50, 52-53)

 Pearl buyers \ Kino finds himself faced by the exploitative pearl buyer who are set reap maximally from his pearl. The buyers conspire beforehand to offer a low price for Kino’s fortune. For a pearl expected by Kino to raise 50 thousand piaster he is only offered a possible 150 piaster’s. He is greatly disappointed and opts not to sell to them (Pages 64, 67 – 75)

Nothing good comes easy | Inheritance

 ‘Nothing good comes easy.’ Using illustrations from David Mulwa’s Inheritance show how true this is.


Nothing good comes easy and many times one has to struggle to get whatever good thing they want. Sangoi and Bengo struggle to get liberation for the people. Sangoi has to endure an arrogant brother while Bengo is imprisoned.


The people in Kutula, an independent state, suffer not only under the colonial masters but also after independence because of the leadership of Lacuna. They want to change the situation as he has oppressed them for too long. They plan to rebel against him. Many of the people are detained and killed when they oppose Lacuna. He wants Judah to kill his brother who opposes him. When he refuses he is exiled. But it is the price he has to pay for his brother to live. Later he is murdered in a machine accident for disobeying Lacuna's orders.

 Sangoi accepts a ministerial post that she does not like for fear of being assassinated by Lacuna. Later the people appoint her as the leader and she leads them to arrest Lacuna and they liberate Kutula. When Lacuna works with 'the imperialists, they give him loans though he cannot pay up. They add more money but give him conditions that not only oppress him but also his people. When the loan is not paid, they drain his foreign accounts. In turn, he detains them and they are only rescued when Sangoi takes over.

A Kenyan Road| Windows Seat by Benjamin Branoff

Drawing illustrations from Window Seat by Benjamin Branoff, show the truthfulness in the observation that “Travelers are sometimes subjected to pathetic travelling conditions on most of the Kenyan roads.”


Candidates should show the difficulties associated with public transport

Points of Interpretation

i) It is uncomfortable to use public means of transport on Kenyan roads as one is exposed to uncouth conditions such as Air/noise pollution….endless dirt drifts through the window ….it finds crevices on my body… and sneaks into the stitching of my clothes (pg63/65)

Air pollution seen when he says …the rancid smell from the burning garbage oozing into the vehicle from nearby rots. (pg 65). Noise pollution… when they reach the bus stop, they are exposed to the smelling bodies of the passengers.

Personal Freedom | A Dolls House

 The society in  A Doll’s House is portrayed as one that inhibits personal freedom. Show the truth of this statement using Nora.

 In the text A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, the community prevents/restrains an individual from exercising liberty in their day to day lives as seen when Nora has to work secretly and when she is unable to make independent decisions.

 The society inhibits married women from taking a loan without their husband’s consent. During the first year of Nora and Helmer’s marriage, Helmer overworks himself and becomes dreadfully ill. The doctors come to Nora and tell her that Helmer is in a dangerous condition and that they need to live in the South for him to recover. Nora tries all means to persuade Helmer to take them to South without success. She tells him how much she wants to live broad like other young wives. She tries tears and entreaties and that he ought to remember the condition she is in. She hints to him that he might raise a loan and this makes him nearly angry. Helmer calls Nora a thoughtless woman and tells her he cannot indulge in her whims and caprices. With no other option left, Nora devices a way out of the difficulty by taking a loan of 250 pounds from Krogstad without Helmer’s consent. This is against the law as Mrs Linde reminds her that a wife cannot borrow without her husband’s consent. In the process of keeping this as a secret from Helmer, Nora suffers anxiety to the point of contemplating suicide. When Helmer learns about this, he abuses Nora and forbids her from raising her own children. Nora is forced to leave her marriage.

Moral values |The Pearl

‘Most people in the society have lost their moral values’: using The Pearl by John Steinbeck for your illustrations show the truth of the above statement.


Ideally a society is supposed to be bound and governed by values and norms which should dictate the relationship between and among people. However, not everyone is virtuous enough and many are morally deficient.

 Pi)- The doctor declines to treat Kino’s child, Coyotito, of the scorpion sting because he has no money(has only small worthless seed pearls).The doctor is hypocritical. When Juana and Kino take Coyotito for treatment at his house, he send the servant informing them he is not in because they have no money. when he learns about the pearl,he visits Kino and offers to treat Coyotito and wait for the money. He also administered the wrong medicine. – The doctor comes to take advantage of Kino’s ignorance by making Coyotito sick and pretending that his illness is the result of the scorpion sting. He pretends as if he does not know of Kino’s pearl, yet the only reason comes to treat Coyotito was to try and seek out where Kino might be hiding it.

Pii) – The Pearl Buyers are out to take advantage of Kino and his pearl. Their goal is to cheat him and ruin his plans of happiness and peace for his family.The pearl buyers exploit the pearl divers by buying their pearls at a lower price than the actual. They also conspire to cheat Kino off his pearl. (pg 33)

Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding| Inheritance

“Fate has a way of punishing or rewarding its victims based on their actions”. Drawing illustrations from the play Inheritance by David Mulwa, Write an essay to justify this statement.


When one does good things/acts humane towards others will eventually be rewarded, on other those who do evil and are cruel to others will equally get their dues accordingly.


Ii) The old king kutula treated his people well. He was at the forefront in Kutula’s fight for their self rule/independence. He did not want his people to live in debt and he did not work with the foreigners to take loans. He envisioned a self sustainable Kutula. In turn,Kutula people were all behind him and they eventually attained independence from the colonialists. The people loved and respected him.

Challenges Experienced by the Sick Girl | Memories We lost

Write a composition on the challenges experienced by the sick girl and her family members citing illustrations from the short story Memories we lost by Lidudumalingani Mqombothi.


Mental health problems bring along with them a myriad of challenges. The patients and the people around them cope with problems such as injuries, ignorance and misdiagnosis. This is illustrated in the short story Memories we Lost

Mi) Firstly, illness makes the patient to run away from home in the middle of the night. The mother and the entire village are abducted from their sleep. Mean and boys organized a disoriented search party in small uncoordinated groups. Children are frightened. The entire village searches for her in the darkness facing the risk of plunging down a cliff. They would search and search for the whole night.

Family members always want the best | The Pearl

“Family members always want the best for us”. Write an essay to validate this claim basing your

illustrations from John Steinbeck’s The Pearl.


In the face of diversity, our relations are always there for us. For instance, Juana Kino’s wife does everything in her power to protect her husband Kino and child Coyotito. She risks her life by sucking the scorpion’s poison out of the child’s shoulder for she cares for her son Coyotito.

Points of Interpretation

Fi: Mother

First, Juana cares for her son Coyotito. When he is stung by a scorpion, she does everything within her means to save his life. First, she sucks the poison out and spits and sucks again. She suggests that they go to see the doctor. She also sticks with Kino when he was pearl fishing and prays that they find a pearl with which they can hire the doctor to treat their son Coyotito. Meanwhile she gathers brown seaweed and makes flat damp poultice which she uses as a remedy for Coyotito’s pain. Her quick thinking saves Coyotito from the adverse effect of the scorpion sting; a withered leg, a crumpled back or a blind eye. Surely, family members are always there for us.

Fii: Kino

Kino is a simple family man who loves and strives to protect his family. Kino finds solace and contentment in the song of the family. He knows the value of family since he inherited his only prized possession, a canoe, from his father and grandfather. He cannot take a chance that the doctor is lying to him about Coyotito’s health since he doesn’t want his child to suffer. When he gets the pearl Kino only thinks of how to improve his family; clothes for Juana and Coyotito, education for Coyotito and marrying Juana in church. Although the pearl causes pain, Kino only clings on it because he wants the best for his family.

Citizens suffer due to bad leadership| Inheritance

David Mulwa: Inheritance

“Citizens suffer due to bad leadership”. Discuss the truth of this statement basing your arguments on David Mulwa’s Inheritance.


The citizens suffer because of bad leadership. Lacuna Kasoo is a dictator who demands to be obeyed. Those who refuse to obey him are incarcerated and killed. Those who oppose him, like Bengo, are imprisoned.

Si: Bengo

Lacuna asks Judah Zen Melo to kill his brother Bengo because Bengo is opposing him. When Judah refuses, he is put out by Lacuna and he cannot get employment. His family suffers in his absence as Tamina his wife cannot make ends meet.

How Much Land Does One Need?| Memories We Lost

 Moran (Ed), Memories We Lost and Other Stories

Basing your answer on Leo Tolstoy’s How Much Land Does One Need? Show how lack of contentment with what one has leads to destruction.


Lack of contentment in life can lead to greed and even in some case death. Leo Tolsoy in the story, How Much Land Does One Need? reminds us that we do not need a lot in life and we should be content with what is enough. Pahom looks for more land yet he has more than what many people have.

Ci: Attraction

Lack of contentment can lead one to destruction as seen with Pahom. He is a farmer who owns 123 acres of land and pasture but he still wants more. He keeps thinking of how he wants more land. When a man tells him of the land of the Bashkirs and how cheaply it is sold, he is strongly attracted.

Cii: Sleep

Women are largely unappreciated | A Dolls House

 Henrik Ibsen, A Doll’s House

“Women are largely unappreciated for the roles they play in Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.” With illustrations, discuss the validity of this statement.


All over the world, women do a lot to people around them but many a time, their roles and service to others around them go unappreciated. Women in the play, A Doll’s House by H. Ibsen do a lot that is not appreciated even by people who are close to them or no one seems to notice what they are doing.

Points of interpretation/ Body/ Content

Wi: Christmas decoration

When the play opens, Nora is busy preparing for Christmas. She is secretly adorning the Christmas tree to unveil it as a secret to the family (p.1). During the previous Christmas, we are told that she shut herself up for three weeks making ornaments for Christmas tree. Helmer reveals: “it was the dullest three weeks I ever spent!” (p.8). his confession shows that he did not appreciate what she was doing to ensure that family has a happy Christmas.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Inheritance Essay Questions


1.      Inheritance by David Mulwa

Closely referring to David Mulwa’s text Inheritance, illustrate how  most citizens in most African countries suffer because of the behaviour of their leaders.

2.      Inheritance by David Mulwa

Betrayal by leaders makes subjects disillusioned. Discuss this statement.

3.      Drama, Inheritance by David Mulua

            A selfish leaders governance negatively affects the subject referring closely to the play, write an essay on how Lucuna’s leadership affects the people of Kutula.

4.      Inheritance, David Mulwa

            “Lacuna represents the evil that bedevils our leaders.” Write an essay to justify this using Inheritance by David Mulwa.

Memories We Lost and other stories Essay Questions


1.   Window seatBenjamin Branoff.

“Window seat is a mirror of the challenges facing the public transport industry.” With relevant illustrations draw from the story, Show the truth of this statement.

2.   Memories We Lost and Other stories ED. Chris Wanjala

Children are imprisoned by mental ailments because of superstitious beliefs of those around them. Write an essay in support of the above statement drawing illustrations from Lidudumalingani Mqombothi’s story Memories We Lost.


3.   The short story:  Memories We Lost and Other Stories.

Drawing examples from Mqombothi’s story, Memories We Lost, write a composition to show that when we live with the sick we need to show them love and compassion.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Pearl Essay Questions and Answers


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1.      The pearl by John Steinbeck.

Using the Pearl by John Steinbeck, write an essay to support the proverb, “All that glitters is not gold”

               2.      The Novel: The Pearl By John Steinbeck.

“Fortune can sometimes be tragic” Validate this statement on reference to John Steinbeck’s The pearl.

            3.      The Pearl by John Steinbeck                                                            

Good fortune does not necessarily guarantee happiness. Elucidate the truth of this statement drawing illustrations from the Pearl by John Steinbeck.

          4 .      Referring to specific instances in Steinbeck’s The Pearl, write an essay to show that Juana exemplifies reason in whatever challenge she finds herself in.


Juana is the pillar of strength for her family. Show the validity if this statement using illustrations from The Pearl by John Steinbeck

Monday, August 8, 2022

Casualties of any civil war are the civilian | MEMORIES WE LOST AND OTHER STORIES



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Wanjala Chris (Ed): Memories we lost and other stories
The greatest casualties of any civil war are the civilians. Write an essay in support of the above assertion drawing your illustrations from Mariatu Kemara’s ‘ The president’
In a war, the people who suffer and lose the most are the civilians. Some even never know what they are fighting for or what the fight is for. The narrator loses her hands to the rebels who tell her to go and ask the president to give her new ones. She does not even know what a president is. 
W(I)In any war, it is civilians who lose most. The rebels give the civilians a choice of losing which hand first. They say the reason is that the civilians will not vote for the president. The narrator does not even know what a president is yet she loses her hands. 

Every culture has a good side | Blossoms of the Savannah




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“As bad as it may be, every culture has a good side. Closely referring to the treatment of the girl child”, write a composition in support of this; drawing your illustrations from H.R. Ole Kulet’s
Blossoms of the Savannah.
Traditional cultures though condemned have been of great help in caring for the interest and safety of the girl child against wayward/predatory men. This is evident in Nasila culture in Blossoms of the Savannah.
C i - Elder’s court
Mama Milanoi laments Oloisudori’s obnoxious act of demanding her daughter Ressian for a wife. Oloisudori is the age mate of Parsimei – Mama Milanoi’s husband. Mama Milanoi recalls that such a thing would have never happened in the past. She says that in those old good days, had her husband tried to enforce such an abomination, she would have appealed to the Elders court which would have ruled him out of order, possibly fined him together with his purported son in law. A public rebuke and cleansing ceremony conducted by the fearsome Oloiboni would shamed the culture – abusers and their collaborators; a deterrent act. (without mentioning of elder’s court, it is thin) page 113-114, 115

Hypocrites and opportunists like to reap where they did not sow| The Pearl


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Pretending to care when you don’t mean it but just want to benefit from a situation is the order of the day from the Pearl.
Points of interpretation.
(i) Despite the doctor having refused to attend to Coyotito on hearing about the great Pearl visits Kino and pretends to have a follow up on the baby.