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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Leonard Kaberia’s A Silent Song/ Actions

Drawing illustrations from Leonard Kaberia’s A Silent Song prove that our actions have more impact than what we say. 


Humanity is premised on love for one another. When we fail to show love and compassion to the less privileged in society, we act more or less like beasts. On the other hand building a united caring society needs our deliberate, conscious efforts to reach out to those in need.

Points to Consider
Ezekiel fails to provide proper habitation for his own brother. He is sick and lives in a flea infested hut. The pavement in town may have been better.

Though the brother is a preacher, and we expect better from him, he fails to take Mbane to hospital for treatment.  His wife, however, tries by giving Mbane some medicine.

The gay pedestrians could pass by talking of bright weather, lovely morning....they would sing to the blue sky, whistle to the gay morning as their footsteps sang their way down the pavement and this would taunt him. They offered nothing in spite of his condition.

Some gay people, however, would answer to his pleas( give him money)
Those working around, though seeing , had an indifferent attitude. They were never touched. Thieves, too, stole from him. " Good men who thronged the brothels were not good enough to him. Moreover, they cursed. 

Christians who sang praises and hallelujah noticed him but did not care. In fact they considered him an abled bodied person only crippled more everyday by the idleness of lea surely begging. They failed to show true Christ's love.

  From the above illustrations it's obvious that omission is a sin just as commission. We should show love through our actions.


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