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Friday, October 21, 2022

Betrayal in our Society | A Dolls House

“There is a lot of betrayal in our society”. Write a composition to support this statement drawing your illustration from the play “A doll House”, By Henrik Ibsen

 Most people betrays others by deceiving who trusted them, failing to honor an agreement or simply disappointing a person who has put trust in them. A marriage partner may betray his or her partner by breaking the vow or being unfaithful; A politician betrays the citizens by not honoring his or her campaign pledges/Betrayal run through the play as show by characters such as Helmar, Krogstad and Christine.

  Helmer betrays his wife Nora by not defending and understanding her when he finds out the secret she has been keeping from him. Nora had hoped and feared for the wonderful thing to happen when Helmer finds out that she had lied and sacrificed her comfort and money to pay the loan that save his life. She had hoped that Helmer would take the guilt upon himself because Nora committed the forgery to save his life. To her wild disappointment, Helmer tells her that he can work day and night for her, bear sorrow for her but no man can sacrifices his honor for the one he loves. She also realizes that the Helmer has been treating like a doll to amuse and entertain himself. This makes her realize she has been living with a stranger all a long and she decides to leave him.

Krogstad betrays Nora by failing to Keep the secret a bond the loan he had advanced her. When Helmer is promoted to the managerial position in the bank he threatens to fire Krogstad, who also works in the bank, claiming that he is corrupt and describes him as morally diseased. Helmer also says that he feels sick in the presence of such people Krogstad blackmails Nora by telling her to use her influence and ensure that he(Krogstad) is not fired or else he would divulge the secret. When Helmer becomes adamant and refuses to be influenced by Nora. Krogstad makes good his threat and drops a letter with Helmer abuse and reprimand Nora.

 Christine (MrsLinde) betrays Krogstad, her trust but broke lover. When she realizes that she needs money to take care of her helpless and bed ridden mother and two younger brothers, she abandons her true love Krogstad ( because his prospects seemed hopeless then pg 86) and gets married to arichg man who later dies and his business collapses leaving her with nothing. The two meet again at Nora’s hase when Linde is looking for job and Krogstad is there to talk to Nora impending dismissal with an aim of blackmailing her. Christine explains the reason for her betrayal and then reconcile

 Linde also betrays Nora when She fails to help Nora by convincing Krogsta to withdraw his threat(letter)When Linde and Krogstad meet, they talk about their past and decides to reconcile. When Krogstad suggest that he will ask for his latter back, MrsLinde says that you must not recall your latter arguing that there are too many lies between the Helmer. She takes advantage of Nora’s predicament to get back at her true love which make Nora feel betrayed . To Christine suggestion that Nora “must tell her husband about it all(secret) Nora responds “I knew it” which express he disappointment and feelings of betrayal by Christine.

 Nora betrays her husband by borrowing a loan behind his back and keeping it a secret. Although the money was borrowed with an intention of saving his life, he feels betrayed that Nora has helped to get the loan by someday he consider “an unscrupulous man”(Krogstad) who can do what he likes not (Helmer)..(pg 104). When Nora reveals the secret to Christian, the letter brings out Helmers betrayal by his wife in her comment No, a wife cannot borrow without her husband consent

 Rank betrays the Helmers when he confess his desire for Nora despite knowing she is married to his friend Helmer(pg 68)


In conclusion, many people in society cannot be trusted and prove to be false or faithful


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