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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Wrong Judgement | A Doll's House

 Using Tovald Helmer for illustrations, write an essay on how one can have wrong judgement about others drawing your illustrations from Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House.


One can easily have a wrong perception of a person based on their physical appearance. One who is smartly dressed for instance, would command respect as opposed to a person who is shabbily dressed. This is true of A doll’s House from the way Helmer perceives certain characters in the text.

 i) Ji- Intelligent

Torvald thinks Nora is not intelligent. Yet she is very intelligent. Helmer calls her demeaning names like little featherhead, little obstinate person. Nora saves Torvald’s life and from the suffering.  She goes against societal norms by borrowing money despite women being barred from doing so unless with husbands permission. She manages to forge her father’s signature.

She is able to device ways of repaying the loan and manages to keep it a secret. She manages to cunningly convince Torvald to offer Mrs. Linde a job.                     


Torvald thinks that Nora is wasteful of money yet she is not. He says she wheedles money out him as soon as she gets it seems to melt. He complains of the number of gifts bought by Nora…bought?....all these things?  He says Nora saves nothing yet Nora has been able to from her house keeping money.  She spends a half of whatever she is given.  She buys cheap Christmas presents and dresses that look good on her and Torvald does not notice. She is able balance her accounts because she ensure the children are well dressed, Helmer has a good table.


Torvald thinks that Nora is just a woman who should be restricted by the law, that women are totally dependent on men. He forbids Nora from eating macaroons as they are bad for her teeth.

He forbids Nora from associating with Krogstad. He however in the end comes to the realization that women can be liberal when Nora questions his authority to scold her and ants to walk out of their marriage without needing any support from him. Unknown to him Nora has been rebellious of his instructions. Nora carries a packet of macaroons in her pocket.

Nora puts one or two macaroons in her mouth and wipes it. Nora offers Dr. Rank a macaroon or two.


Torvald thinks that Krogstad is irredeemable and that he has not tried to redeem himself yet Krogstad has tried hard to redeem him.(pg 46) Helmer accuses Krogstad of infecting his children with lies and dissimulation. Krogstad has fought hard to regain his reputation.

He is fighting to maintain his small post in the bank.  He says it is for the sake of his two sons who are growing up.

Jv-Dr. Rank

Torvald thinks that Dr. Rank a good fellow who has offered their background sunlit happiness .(pg 101 70) Dr. Rank is a frequent visitor of the Helmers’ yet he seems closer to Nora than Torvald. Torvald does not know that Rank is an enemy within as he desires his wife.


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