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Friday, October 21, 2022

Satisfaction We need | The folded leaf

Drawing illustrations from Segun Afolabi’s short story, The folded leaf, write an essay to shows that the satisfaction we need to be happy in our lives is always within and around us.


The story ‘Folded Leaf’ by Segun Afolabi explores the characters’ desperate search for healing from their various physical ailments against the reality of who they are only for them to end up disappointed. This is seen through Bunmi, who is blind and the other Christians who are disabled in different ways seeking miracle healing from Pastor Fayemi.

 The journey to the would-be healing venue in Lagos long and uncomfortable probably to foreshadow the futility of the journey as well as their expectations. They are harassed by the police officers at the road block and are only allowed to proceed with their journey after bribing the police. (p. 83-84). Bola says there is so much traffic in Lagos- more cars than people, the roads have potholes making the journey uncomfortable.

 As a result of their discontent with who they are and what they have, the christians are forced to incur unnecessary expenses in their futile search for miracle healing. Daddy Cool’s preaching is hinged on the gospel of miracle healing and prosperity which attracts quick following and huge proceeds from the vulnerable christians who he has conned into believing he has healing powers. The narrator’s family and friends (villagers) raise money to pay for the van to Lagos as well as the donations they give to Pastor Fayemi’s ministry. On their way to Lagos they are also forced to bribe the police officers to have their way. The villagers have enough of spiritual support that they should have accepted from their own Rev. Abbe whom they always seek for spiritual nourishment. (p. 81)

 Pastor Adejola Fayemi (Fayemi) is a con who thrives on the sweat of the poor to enrich himself and therefore has to constantly conceal his fake identity. He is said to own a helicopter, a gulf stream jet, homes in Switzerland, the Caribbean and in Florida. These are obvious proceeds from the poor, vulnerable Christians he had conned into believing he has healing powers. His discontent with who he is and what he has makes him go to great extents to conceal his fake identity, ‘… by wearing dark glasses and no one has ever seen his eyes.’ (p. 81). No wonder then he is always surrounded by body guards to stop people from accessing him.

 The narrator and the other villagers go to Lagos in the hope of being healed but go back home a disappointed lot since none of them is healed. Bunmi, though blind uses her other senses to navigate and interpret the world around her. She easily perceives the tone in people’s voices to figure out what they feel and when Mrs. Ejiofoh’s clothing touches her face, she can tell that it is expensive by the touch. Furthermore, though born blind, her parents accepted and treat her well unlike the boy in Lagos who has to beg in order to survive. Despite being blessed she is disappointed when she is not healed. In Lagos, they are blocked from accessing the pastor despite having travelled from very far. (p. 90,92)

 In their search for miracle healing, the villagers are humiliated. They are pushed and shoved around by the bouncers. This is sharp contrast to their happy and social communal amity back in the village where they care for each other. At the start of the journey they are all concerned about each other’s wellbeing. Tunde pushes Sam’s wheelchair, Ejiofor is ushering everyone into the van as they all mind the elderly among them like Mrs. Kekere. On the journey, Bunmi does not miss anything even though she is blind because they do not tire ‘to see’ for her. Even when they seek to move closer to the pastor at the rally they push together and are there for each other.

Despite being rich, Mr. and Mrs. Ejiofoh give church donations to receive more wealth and are willing to endure the long, uncomfortable journey to Lagos as well as sitting through traffic to donate money to Pastor Fayemi’s Ministry instead of donating to their local church which has a deaconess who can pray for them. They go through all these discomforts despite having a church in their home town.

 Tunde is a good footballer despite having a hole in the heart. Tuned is a better footballer than Bola and is quite talented. Moreover, he has the strength to beat Fayemi Adeleke who is a year older than him to a pulp. Despite having a hole in his heart, he is still physically active and talented in football. He fails to appreciate this and is eventually disappointed.

 In conclusion, we can therefore say that Segun’s ‘Folded Leaf ‘aptly shows us the importance of accepting our condition and getting contented with it and probably use it to better ourselves as we are. The narrator surmises it all, in the discovery of the futility of the search for miracle healers; “I am beginning to understand that this is my life, that it is good enough.” (p. 94)/ Human beings are often blinded in search for better things and fail to appreciate the blessings before their very eyes. It is therefore important to live happily with what we have instead of eeking something else.


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1.   Window seatBenjamin Branoff.

“Window seat is a mirror of the challenges facing the public transport industry.” With relevant illustrations draw from the story, Show the truth of this statement.

2.   Memories We Lost and Other stories ED. Chris Wanjala

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3.   The short story:  Memories We Lost and Other Stories.

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The memories we Lost 

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7.   Memories we lost and other Stories by Chris Wanjala

Superstition can never solve a problem in life. Justify this statement basing your illustrations using Memories We lost by


8.   Memories We Lost and Other Stories

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9.   Memories We Lost and Other stories.

The villagers are to blame for the death of Esteban. With clear illustrations from Gabriel Marquez’s story The Handsomest  Drowned Man in the World, write an essay showing how the villagers can be blamed for the death of Esteban.


10.          The Short Story: Memories we lost and other stories

“Greed and materialism can lead to grave consequences”

Support the above statement with reference to Leo Tolstoy’s story“How much land does a man need”in Memories we lost and other stories.


11.          The short story ‘Memories we lost and other short stories’ by Chris Wanjala. In the short story ‘How much land does man need? The author shows human greed. Write an essay to in support of the above statement.


12.          The Short Story : Memories we Lost and Other Stories                                                                Greed and materialism can lead to grave consequences. In reference to the story “How much land does a man need by Leo Tolstoy, write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.


13.          Chris Wanjala (Ed.), Memories We Lost

Using Lesley Nneka Arimah’s short story, “Light”, write a composition on the challenges fathers face in trying to raise a daughter in the absence of the mother.


14.          Moran (Ed.) Memories We Lost and Other Stories

Write a composition in support of the statement: “One who holds onto hope in the face of affliction will pull through.” Use Siddhartha Gogoo’s “The Umbrella man”


15.          The Short Story; Memories We Lost

Write an essay to show  the validity of the statement that those who live under containment experience many challenges. Use Gigoo’s story The Umbrella Man for illustrations.


16.          a)”Though now independent, African countries still face many challenges” window seat.


17.          Short stories: Moran (ED) Memories We Lost.

Discuss the major issues highlighted by the writer in the story Window Seat by Benjamin Branoff


18.          Memories we lost

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19.          Wanjala Chris (Ed): Memories we lost and other stories (20mrks)

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20.          The short story:    Memories we lost and other stories

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21.          The Short Story :Memories We Lost.

In life’s confinement, it is positive thinking and hope that creates comfort and ultimate success.



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