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Sunday, April 7, 2024

The Truly Married by Aboise Niol/Deceitful

The short Story: A Silent Song and other stories by Godwin Siundu (Ed)

Humans are deceitful in nature and can live in pretence before revealing their true nature. Write an essay in support of this. Use the story The Truly Married by Aboise Niol.

 Human beings have the ability of keeping appearances without being discovered. This is the case as seen in Ajayi’s wife who keeps appearances until the moment she realized she can do without them. This is seen in the text The Truly Married Woman in the following instances.

 Points to consider
Ayo keeps her husband comfortable before marriage by taking her supportive role keenly.
She rises up early to prepare Ajayi his favourite cup of morning tea before serving him his breakfast. After her official marriage she changes and doesn’t do this. She instead tells him to do that by himself. ‘’Get up make yourself a cup of tea’’ (p 48)

Ayo is a respectful wife to Ajayi. She does not contradict her husband and does that only when it is absolutely necessary. This state of affairs changes immediately after the wedding and might be the norm as seen in her stand on the issue of making tea. (page 43,48)
-When told about the visit by the three white missionaries, she makes a few amends in order to disguise their actual state. She borrows a ring, changes her dressing and that of the children and replaces the things in the house and on the walls in order to create an impression of religious family. (Page 44,45)

Ayo cleverly presents herself to her husband Ajayi as an innocent naïve woman. It is not until she makes a strong argument against the beating of Oju, their son that Ajayi realizes how his wife informed is. This is one the reasons for his decision to wed her. (page 44,45)

-Omo for long pretends to be a good friend to Ayo until she learns of Ayo’s planned wedding. When Ayo shows her wedding dress,   Omo cannot  hide her true nature as she is  said to be filled with bitterness and anger. She criticizes Ayo and hopes to dissuade Ayo from using the dress. This instance enable Ayo to learn what type of a person Omo is. Before this Omo had presented herself to Ayo as a good realiable kind-hearted friend who offered her wedding ring to Ayo. (page 45,46)

People can have a double appearance as it was with the characters discussed above.


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