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Saturday, April 6, 2024

Eric Ng’maryo’s ,Ivory Bangles

Some cultural practices do not add value hence should be done away with. Show the truth in this statement basing your illustrations from Eric Ng’maryo’s Ivory Bangles.

Some traditions in our societies have lost meaning and should be done away with/abandoned as seen in the story ivory bangles by Eric Ng’maryo.

Points To consider

T1 believe in the seer.
The only visits the seer considered as the priest of people. (pg. 21)
- He goes to the seer because of his superstitious nature. He had to consult the seer since he had noted blood specks on the liver of a goat that he had slaughtered (pg. 21)
- This is a cultural practice that has lost meaning for its meant to drive a wedge between him and his wife.

T2. Polygamy
- His monogamous state was a concern for the aging chief who told him to get another wife (pg. 23)
- He was still the chief’s counselor much respected but much talked about because he had only one wife (pg. 22)
- This shows that the old man’s society values the tradition of polygamy and one who does not engage is considered a failure.

T3. wife beating/molestation (ritual beating)
- They were jealous of a happy wife. A woman unmolested by the husband until old age. It is not acceptable for a wife to enjoy a comfortable life with her husband in this community.
- The husband is expected to molest his wife to ensure that she doesn’t enjoy happiness. Failure to do so could lead to a disastrous outcome as the pebbles foretell wife’s death.
- The pebbles demand the old man gives his wife a thorough beating and sent her back to her parents. (pg. 22)
- This is a practice that does not add any value in the marriage.

T4. Naming of children
- Naming of children is seen as an essential practice. Twenty-four ivory bangles that the wife wears were gifted to her when their only son was given a name.
-The value of child naming is also seen because the old man’s grandson is named after him. The writer refers to the young boy as her husband. (pg23
- this culture is long overtaken by the modernity

We should embrace the change and do things that do not harm others in the name of cultural practices. 


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