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Sunday, April 7, 2024

Afolabi Interview with Mckenzie Excerpt ( Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta)

Fathers of Nations By Paul B Vitta Excerpt (pg.6)

Before this Excerpt

Afolabi introduces himself to Ms McKenzie

Mckenzie infor ms Afolabi of where he studies at Havard and he is now teaching at Ibadan University

Mckenzie also makes Afolabi know that she has read his book.

He averted his eyes to enjoy this fame in the correct manner - with humility he hopes' she would easily see through. This black Scotswoman surely knew her trade, he thought. ( McKenzie is informed/ Intelligent)

Why is Afolabi calling her This Black Scotswoman- Mckenzie was Brought up by Scottish Missionaries. They took her in while she was less than an year Old here in Banjul. Her natural parents were Gambians but they passed on.

“When I heard you were here at The Seamount Hotel, Dr Afolabi, I decided to come and see you. So here I am. This is all so funny” 

“Funny?” “Yes. I expected to see an academic scarecrow dressed in jeans. Instead, I see a well-dressed man who might well be a businessperson.” ( She is Sarcastic- Calling Him Scarecrow) style Used (Situational Irony- She didn't expect a well dressed Man, She expected an academic scarecrow(Frightening) dressed in jeans) 

Use of Metaphor- Afolabi compared to a scarecrow./Frightening)

“I’m sorry I've disappointed you, McKenzie.”



“Your age: forty?”

 “No, forty-five.”

(style-Use of dialogue)

 “To my thirty-five, imagine that! Go have your picture taken right now, Dr Afolabi. You will not always look this good. I am not joking. Go.” she is appreciative

 “MS McKenzie, was there something else you wanted us to talk about?"

what is it that McKenzie want to talk to Afolabi? She wants to know what the heads of state will be debating about here in Banjul. Afolabi informs Mckenzie that they will be debating a document entitled Way Omega. It was published by Twenty Nobel Laureates. It was a document to develop Africa. Heads of state are in Banjul to adopt it.


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