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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Commonly asked Questions

 What is the book The Samaritan set about?

The Samaritan is a play of two students  Alvita and Montano in maracas municipality who develop a mobile App called The Samaritan-an online platform for exposing as well as sharing ideas and information enhancing public welfare.

What is the theme of The Samaritan notes?

Greed and Corruption, Misappropriation of public Funds, Crime, Lawlessness,  Abuse of office, Misuse of power and Negligence of duty , Intimidation and Fear,  Conflict, The role of Media, Violence, Nepotism, Sexual Immorality, Injustice, Education, Environmental Degradation.

What does the Samaritan symbolize?

What are the major plot points of the Good Samaritan?

It is about a traveler who is stripped of clothing, beaten, and left half dead alongside the road. First, a Jewish priest and then a Levite come by, but both avoid the man. Finally, a Samaritan happens upon the traveler. The Moral of the story is a reminder to us that God can save us no matter our circumstances


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