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Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Doll's House Play by Henrik Ibsen | Context Questions and Answers

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Revision Questions for A Doll's House

Who is Nora's husband in a doll's house?
Torvald Helmer - Nora’s husband.

How Long does Torvald and Nora been Married?
Have been married for eight years 

Why does Nora forged her father's signature?
she forged her father's signature after he was dead in order to get the loan. To save the Husband.

Who is the doll in a doll's house?
Nora. Tells Torvald that both he and her father treated her like a doll     

What is the climax of a doll's house?
According to me is when Nora realizes what Torvald is not the loving husband she thought he was 

Form whom did Nora Borrow the Money?
Krogstad who works at the bank that Torvald is about to manage

Who is the antagonist in a doll's house?
Nils Krogstad. He brings trouble to our Protagonist, Nora. 
Yes he changes at the end but he stills remain the Villain here 

What time period is a doll's house set in?
The events in A Doll’s House took place in The Victorian Era, presumably 1879

What disease does Dr Rank have?
Consumption of the Spine, a disease something like tuberculosis

What is Dr Rank's role in a doll's house?
Dr. Rank highlights particular qualities of the characters such as Torvald and also act as an informer

What does Nora do at the end of a doll's house?
A Doll's House ends with Nora Telling Torvald Goodbye and slams the door. Nora turns her back on her husband and kids and takes off


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