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Thursday, October 20, 2022

Nothing good comes easy | Inheritance

 ‘Nothing good comes easy.’ Using illustrations from David Mulwa’s Inheritance show how true this is.


Nothing good comes easy and many times one has to struggle to get whatever good thing they want. Sangoi and Bengo struggle to get liberation for the people. Sangoi has to endure an arrogant brother while Bengo is imprisoned.


The people in Kutula, an independent state, suffer not only under the colonial masters but also after independence because of the leadership of Lacuna. They want to change the situation as he has oppressed them for too long. They plan to rebel against him. Many of the people are detained and killed when they oppose Lacuna. He wants Judah to kill his brother who opposes him. When he refuses he is exiled. But it is the price he has to pay for his brother to live. Later he is murdered in a machine accident for disobeying Lacuna's orders.

 Sangoi accepts a ministerial post that she does not like for fear of being assassinated by Lacuna. Later the people appoint her as the leader and she leads them to arrest Lacuna and they liberate Kutula. When Lacuna works with 'the imperialists, they give him loans though he cannot pay up. They add more money but give him conditions that not only oppress him but also his people. When the loan is not paid, they drain his foreign accounts. In turn, he detains them and they are only rescued when Sangoi takes over.

 Lulu refuses Lacuna's advances and is confined in the palace for a month. Her mother is angry with her for her disobedience as she had been told to return home after the dance. She is rescued during Sangoi and Benga's takeover of the palace.

 Tamina Zen Melo suffers as her husband is away in exile. She cannot keep her daughter Lulu in school yet it is the only promise of a better life, when her husband is killed, she suffers even more as Lacuna has taken everything from her; her valley, husband and daughter. She is later reunited with her daughter and Sangoi asks Bengo to follow them as they have suffered a lot.


The people are finally set free after they rebel and their leaders are detained. It is thus true that nothing good comes easy,


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