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Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Commonly asked Questions

 What is the book The Samaritan set about?

The Samaritan is a play of two students  Alvita and Montano in maracas municipality who develop a mobile App called The Samaritan-an online platform for exposing as well as sharing ideas and information enhancing public welfare.

What is the theme of The Samaritan notes?

Greed and Corruption, Misappropriation of public Funds, Crime, Lawlessness,  Abuse of office, Misuse of power and Negligence of duty , Intimidation and Fear,  Conflict, The role of Media, Violence, Nepotism, Sexual Immorality, Injustice, Education, Environmental Degradation.

The Samaritan By John Lara/ Hon. Ted

Hon. Ted

Municipal secretary for the Department of Health and Environment.

Misquandered funds that would have been used to build a hospital.

responsible for Noise Pollution from Nightclub

He used to Pirate other people's Music

He is illiterate

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta Episodes


  1. Four Strangers Check in Seamount Hotel
  2. The Guide from AGDA Contact Prof. Kimani
  3. McKenzie Interview with Afolabi
  4. The Stay For Heads of State in Banjul.
The Guide Contact Pastor Chineke Chiamaka and Later the other strangers

  1. Prof. Kimani's Career
  2. Msitu mpya nyani ni wale wale
  3. Tuni talks of Safety
  4. Tuni's death
  5. Asiya Leaves Kimani 
  6. Kimani VS Newborn Walomu
  7. Kimani joins AGDA
  1. McKenzie and the Taxi Driver
  2. The Silent Listener
  3. McKenzie Late Night Visit
  1. Afolabi Meets Pamela's Father - Baby Monitor
  2. Flight Back To Nigeria from Washington
  3. Pamela Leaves Afolabi
  1. Comrade Melusi Security Check Up
  2. Melusi Lunch with Longway at Chaminuka Restaurant
  3. Ziliza's Death
Poles of Influence

Chineke The Reckless Driver
Chineke Accident and Miracles
Pastor Chineke Chiamaka
God is watching you
Pastor Chineke Arrest

Commonly Asked Questions in Fathers of Nations

  1. Main Themes in Fathers of Nations?
  2. What is the significance of the title Fathers of Nations?
  3. What is the short summary of Fathers of Nations?
  4. Who are the main characters in Fathers of Nations?
  5. What is the cause of Tuni's death in Fathers of Nations?
  6. Who is Tuni in Fathers of Nations?
  7. What is the setting of the Fathers of Nations?
  8. What is the theme of poor leadership in Fathers of Nations?
  9. What is way Omega in Fathers of Nations?
  10. What is the setting of the Fathers of Nations?

Friday, April 12, 2024

Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta Essay Questions and Answer


1) Good leadership generates security and desirable resources and opportunities distribution, discuss the irony of this statement basing your arguments on the novel Fathers of nations by Paul B, Vitta

2) Discuss the theme of Religion as depicted in the Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations.

3) "Change is irresistible in any society setup." Using illustrations from Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta, write an essay to justify this statement.

4) The death of a beloved one can cause intense response. Basing your argument Paul Vita’s Fathers Nations, discuss this statement. 

5) Write an essay on the disputes that arise and how each is resolved in the novel Fathers of Nations by Paul B. Vitta.

6) Identify and illustrate any stylistic devices Paul B. Vita has used to tell the story in Fathers of Nations.



1) Using appropriate examples from The Samaritan, by John Lara show how the theme of Corruption has been illustrated. 

2) Discuss the cases of conflict in The Samaritan by John Lara.

3) John Lara has employed the theme of courage. By referring to Nicole, show how true this statement is. 

4) Clearly residents of Maracas Municipality have not completely forgotten their responsibilities as citizens. Justify this statement, giving illustrations from The Samaritan by John Lara.

5) State and explain the character traits of Mossi in the text, The Samaritan by John Lara.

6) A person who is unshakeable and does what is expected of him/her usually emerges triumphant. Referring to the play, support this statement.

7) "Most of the African leaders are dictators who cover up for their inadequacies." Using, The Samaritan, justify the above statement using Mossi as an example.

8) The condition of Maracas can be blamed on its leaders, Discuss the validity of this statement, basing your argument on the play The Samaritan Text.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Alvita's Future

 Alvita's Future

  • People Were Creative
  • Intelligent Robots Replaced Professionals
  • Justice was Rendered Without discrimination
  • Life Expectancy had increased to over 700 Years
  • Machines were doing work in factories, Hotel and Hospital
  • Self Driven vehicles ferrying robots in town
  • People were busy with intellectual pursuits
  • Humans had ventured outside earth conquering new territories
  • There was a technology for cleaning air
  • They would make rain

The Samaritan: Montano Future

Montano Future
  •  It was 50 Years from now
  • Montano saw Alvita working as a cobbler severely battered.
  • Millions of young people lacked employment.
  • People were poor, hungry and angry.
  • Cities had bad stench 
  • Water was scarce.
  • Climatic Change- Raining once in a year for ten minutes
  • People had adapted to eating strange things
  • Life expectancy had dropped drastically.
  • Diseases and malnutrition
  • Crime was high.
  • Injustice among the Law Enforcers and Judges
For more of this and Feedback ,WhatsApp 0711224186

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Samaritan By John Lara Characters


Narine: Principal at Sagrada Secondary School

Carmona: Deputy Principal at Sagrada Secondary School

Pirro: Chairman, Local School Board

Nicole: Ethics and Innovation Teacher , Sagrada Secondary School

Alvita: Student at Sagrada Secondary School

MontanoStudent at Sagrada Secondary School

Shalini: School principal Secretary

The Samaritan by John Lara Characters

 Leaders at Maracas Municipality

Municipality Def: An administrative unit that governs a specific urban area such as a town or city. (Wikipedia)

Mossi: Maracas Municipality Mayor

Ramdaye : Maracas Municipality, Deputy

Basdeo: Political Opposition Leader, Maracas Municipality

Bembe: Inspector General of police, Maracas Municipality

Harvester: Chief Executive Officer, Maracas Municipality

Jaden: Principal Judge, Maracas Municipality

Seymour: Secretary Department of Planning and Development Maracas Municipality

Ted: Secretary, Department of Health and Environment Maracas Municipality.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Afolabi Interview with Mckenzie Excerpt ( Fathers of Nations by Paul B Vitta)

Fathers of Nations By Paul B Vitta Excerpt (pg.6)

Before this Excerpt

Afolabi introduces himself to Ms McKenzie

Mckenzie infor ms Afolabi of where he studies at Havard and he is now teaching at Ibadan University

Mckenzie also makes Afolabi know that she has read his book.

He averted his eyes to enjoy this fame in the correct manner - with humility he hopes' she would easily see through. This black Scotswoman surely knew her trade, he thought. ( McKenzie is informed/ Intelligent)

Why is Afolabi calling her This Black Scotswoman- Mckenzie was Brought up by Scottish Missionaries. They took her in while she was less than an year Old here in Banjul. Her natural parents were Gambians but they passed on.

“When I heard you were here at The Seamount Hotel, Dr Afolabi, I decided to come and see you. So here I am. This is all so funny” 

Fiona McKenzie Late Night Visit- Excerpt

Before this Excerpt
Fiona Ecounter with the Liberian Mauler
Afolabi rescues Fiona
Fiona treats Afolabi wound

The door to the bathroom opened. Fiona emerged and started walking but stopped. Her eyes had not adjusted to the darkness in the living room. “Where are you?” she asked “Over here” he said. “I have taken a couch in the living room. Go take the bed in the bedroom.”
style used -DIALOGUE- conversation btwn Afolabi and Fiona.
Afolabi is Hospitable- welcomes Fiona and offers her the Couch.
Respect for women- Afolabi Sleeps on the couch and Fiona in the bedroom

“You’re acting as if you might have a wife,” she said. “Do you?” 
“No, she divorced me last year.” Theme- Family Disintegration/ HONESTY (honest to Fiona)
“Did she?”

The Truly Married by Aboise Niol/Deceitful

The short Story: A Silent Song and other stories by Godwin Siundu (Ed)

Humans are deceitful in nature and can live in pretence before revealing their true nature. Write an essay in support of this. Use the story The Truly Married by Aboise Niol.

 Human beings have the ability of keeping appearances without being discovered. This is the case as seen in Ajayi’s wife who keeps appearances until the moment she realized she can do without them. This is seen in the text The Truly Married Woman in the following instances.

 Points to consider
Ayo keeps her husband comfortable before marriage by taking her supportive role keenly.
She rises up early to prepare Ajayi his favourite cup of morning tea before serving him his breakfast. After her official marriage she changes and doesn’t do this. She instead tells him to do that by himself. ‘’Get up make yourself a cup of tea’’ (p 48)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Vrenika Pather's Ninema /Admirable

People with admirable traits stand out. Basing your illustrations on Vrenika Pather's Ninema, write an essay to validate this assertion. 


Exemplary attributes arouse respect and approval. Ninema is a young beautiful woman whose praiseworthy character makes her the embodiment of magnificence. She stands out from the pack at the marketplace. 

points to consider 

Ninema is industrious. She rises early at 4:00 AM to reap her herbs from her garden. She has green fingers and her crops are healthy. She is also an enterprising businesswoman. To earn a living, she sells fresh produce at the Indian market. She learned the trade from her parents. Her business makes a good profit. At the end of a long working day, her hanky bulges with notes and coins. Her diligence makes her remarkably superior to others. 

Ninema is resilient. She is as tough as old boots. She is contented and accepts her situation but does not resign to it. She faces many challenges and wins. She is thus respected.

Leonard Kaberia’s A Silent Song/ Actions

Drawing illustrations from Leonard Kaberia’s A Silent Song prove that our actions have more impact than what we say. 


Humanity is premised on love for one another. When we fail to show love and compassion to the less privileged in society, we act more or less like beasts. On the other hand building a united caring society needs our deliberate, conscious efforts to reach out to those in need.

Points to Consider
Ezekiel fails to provide proper habitation for his own brother. He is sick and lives in a flea infested hut. The pavement in town may have been better.

Though the brother is a preacher, and we expect better from him, he fails to take Mbane to hospital for treatment.  His wife, however, tries by giving Mbane some medicine.

Eric Ng’maryo’s ,Ivory Bangles

Some cultural practices do not add value hence should be done away with. Show the truth in this statement basing your illustrations from Eric Ng’maryo’s Ivory Bangles.

Some traditions in our societies have lost meaning and should be done away with/abandoned as seen in the story ivory bangles by Eric Ng’maryo.

Points To consider

T1 believe in the seer.
The only visits the seer considered as the priest of people. (pg. 21)
- He goes to the seer because of his superstitious nature. He had to consult the seer since he had noted blood specks on the liver of a goat that he had slaughtered (pg. 21)
- This is a cultural practice that has lost meaning for its meant to drive a wedge between him and his wife.

T2. Polygamy
- His monogamous state was a concern for the aging chief who told him to get another wife (pg. 23)

Incident in the Park by Meja Mwangi /Unethical acts

People commit unethical acts as a result of lack of care. Citing illustrations from Incident in the Park by Meja Mwangi, write an essay to validate this statement.


Immorality stems from people’s indifference. Unethical acts like negligence and brutality result from lack of care. Blood thirsty city dwellers brutally murder an innocent fruit seller without batting an eyelid in Incident in the Park.

Government workers go about their business ignoring the ravaging effects of the drought on the neglected park. The park is dirty and brown. There was no promise of rain that August. The ground is dusty brown, bare and parched. The ministerial offices, City Hall and parliament buildings and the ominous cathedral are a stone throw away from the pathetic looking park. The ministerial offices are modern  fortresses and its occupants conveniently ignore the park which clearly lacks proper care. This is evidenced by the dry bits of grass, dry leaves and thirsty trees. Only delicate flowers, planted like oasis islands at various spots, are watered in a desperate effort to keep the dirty brown park beautiful.

The short story Godwin siundu, A Silent Song and Other Stories

 The Optional Set Texts Essay Questions

The short story Godwin siundu, A Silent Song and Other Stories 

Life for people living with disabilities may be made better if they are accorded all the support they may need. Referring to the short story “A Silent Song” by Leonard Kibera, write an essay to show how the lives of people living with disabilities can be made worthwhile.

Life for the people living with disabilities can be traumatising to them. However, it is the duty of everyone in the society to try and make their life better by availing them with all the support and assistance they may require. The short story a silent song tries to show the support we may offer the people living with disabilities in the following way

Points of interpretation

S (i) shelter

Mbane had been living in the streets all his life begging in the city where there was a lot of ruggedness and noise, with quick footsteps of people who would keep him alive with a drop of copper in his hat. His brother rescues him from the streets and brings him to his hut which felt so serene. Mbane no longer had to endure hostile cold nights and the basest of thieves he encountered in the streets.

S (ii) company

After being ‘rescued’ from the streets where he spent his nights on the hard pavement, he recounts how no one spoke to him for a long time. He was accustomed to speaking to himself in his thoughts.