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Thursday, August 24, 2017


    ·         Intonation is about how we say things, rather than what we say,
    ·         It is the rise and fall of voice when speaking.

The voice tends to rise, fall or remain flat depending on the meaning or feeling we want to communicate for instance, surprise, anger, interest, etc. Thus Intonation indicates the mood of the speaker.

There are two basic patterns of intonation in English:  falling intonation and rising intonation.

·         A downward arrow () indicates a fall in intonation
·         Upward arrow () indicates a rise in intonation.

Falling Intonation
It is commonly in
    a)      Statements
I will be back tomorrow.
My name is Jane.
    b)     Commands
Close your books.
Get out now.
   c)      Wh-questions (information questions),
Why did you come?
Whose bag is this?

Rising Intonation ()
·         The pitch of the voice rises at the end of a sentence
·         Rising intonation invites the speaker to continue talking.

It is normally used:
      a)      yes/no questions
Have you ever gone to Mombasa?
     b)      Question tags that are real questions.
She knows her, doesn’t she?

i)        What a beautiful day it is!
ii)      What a wonderful watch you have!

Rise-Fall Intonation (➚➘)
   (The intonation rises and then falls.)
   We use rise-fall intonation for
  • Choices (alternative questions.)
    • Are you having soup or salad?
    • Does he speak↗ Kiswahili or ↘English?
             ·         Enumerating/ Lists (rising, rising, rising, falling)
Intonation falls on the last item to show that the list is finished.
  • We've got apples, pears, bananas and oranges
              ·         ↗One, ↗two,↗ three, ↗four,↘ five.
              ·         She bought ↗bread, ↗cheese, ↗oranges, and ↘apples.

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