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Friday, August 9, 2019

Blossoms of the Savannah Essay Questions

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Here are the Questions: 

1.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
"Blood is thicker than water." Drawing illustrations from the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet, support the above statement.

2.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
"Change is inevitable in any society." Validate this statement with illustrations from the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet.

3.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
"Determination is the key to success." With reference to Resian in the novel, Blossoms of the Savannah by Henry Ole Kulet, write an essay to support this statement.

4.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
Parenting should build an environment of trust and peace in a family. Write an essay that explores how this statement applies to the Ole Kaelo family in Blossoms of the Savannah       

5.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
 “Self-interest is a vice that whoever engages in it is bound to fail.” Using Blossoms of the Savannah, write an essay to support this assertion.

6.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
'Retrogressive cultural practices can lead to disorientation among members in the society.' Discuss this statement in the light of Ole Kulet'sBlossoms of the Savannah'

7.  H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
'Women should be given a voice for society to be more cohesive.' Justify this statement using illustrations from Blossoms of the Savannah.

8.  H.R. Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the Savannah
'Determination leads to success.' Show the truth of this statement in reference to Resian in Ole Kulet'sBlossoms of the Savannah.

9.  H.R. Ole Kulet, Blossoms of the Savannah
Write an essay on the effects of gender discrimination in a society, basing your arguments on Blossoms of the Savannah by Ole Kulet.

10.    H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
'Ole Kaelo's high-handedness leads to the disintegration of his family.' Show the truth of this statement basing your arguments on Ole Kulet's Blossoms of the Savannah.

11.    H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
Gender inequality is tantamount to violation of human rights. Write an essay in support of the assertion drawing your illustrations from Blossoms of the Savannah.
12.    H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
    Bad decisions can adversely affect our lives. Write an essay in support of the statement with illustrations from the novel.

13.    H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
     “The strong bond between Resian and Taiyo contributes significantly to their triumph.” Write an essay in support of the statement
14.    H.R. Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah
   Help can come when least expected. Discuss.


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