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Monday, September 26, 2016

Everyone in society gets what they deserve

“Everyone in society gets what they deserve, whether good or bad.” Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations from the play,” The Caucasian Chalk Circle.”   

Everyone in life gets what is due to them depending on the effort they make and their commitment towards achieving a certain end.   People who refuse to take responsibility end up losing what they would have benefitted from.

                In the prologue, we see a dispute over a farm land. Two commune groups; the fruit growing commune and the goat herding commune claim ownership of a farm land. A delegate has been sent to arbitrate over the issue. The fruit growers get the farmland because they have an irrigation plan and hopes to make the land more productive.
                Governor Georgi Abashwili is motivated by greed and materialism hence ends up being beheaded. He has no feelings to the many beggars and petitioners who crowd the entrance of the church. He plans to meet an architect to plan to construct a new East Wing to the palace and ignores a messenger from the capital who has important military news. Prince Arsen Kazbeki stages a coup against the Grand Duke and his Governor. The Governor is hence arrested and beheaded. Because of his greed, he loses his life thus getting what he deserves.
                Natella lacks motherly love and instinct, hence ends up losing her baby Michael. During the coup, she orders a servant to place Michael on the floor so that she (the servant) can pack up Natella‟s essentials. All along she pays attention to her clothes and shoes and not Michael. Grusha is the only one who is human enough to remain behind and look after the baby till dawn and opts to take him with her.(pg 29) Grusha sacrifices alot for the sake of the baby ,buys milk from a peasants‟ cottage using her weeks pay - 2 piaster‟s – after attempting to breastfeed him (pg 32). Grusha risks her life by crossing a rotten bridge. Eventually because of lack of motherly love, Natella loses the baby, she gets what she deserves.
                Natella wants the baby Michael after two years for the sake of reclaiming her husband’s estate.  She had no single thought for the child for two years. To decide who really loves the child as a mother, Azdak uses the test of the Chalk Circle in which Grusha declines to pull the child violently, saying that she had brought him up and as such cannot tear him into bits.   (pg 98) Natella through her lawyer reveals her true intention of her dire need of taking Michael back. Her second lawyer states categorically that her estate is closed to her as it is tied to the heir (pg 92, 97) Despite being Michael’s biological mother, she dearly needs him for what the governor has left behind in his son’s name. Grusha on the other hand has brought up the child, he wants to teach him how to speak all the words.    Both Grusha and Natella get what each deserves. Natella‟s estates fall to the city and they are converted into a playground for the children. Grusha is told to take the child and be off.
                Simon and Grusha get to marry. Grusha initially is forced to marry Jussup by her brother Lavrenti and sister- in-law, Aniko. She greatly loves Simon but because her brother‟s wife is “religious” she gets married to Jussup to uphold their reputation. Azdak eventually divorces Grusha from Jussup allowing her to marry her long-time friend. Simon has been patiently waiting to marry her but after the war returns to find her married to Jussup. Inspite of this, Simon supports her as she fights for the child. So, when Grusha‟s forced marriage is terminated, the two are left free to marry (pg 98)They get what they deserve.
                Azdak passes judgement in favour of the poor although he receives bribes from the rich. Azdak was sympathetic to the poor and was termed as the poor man‟s magistrate (pg 79) He broke rules to save the poor. Thus Azdak fines the rich invalid, the blackmailer, the innkeeper and the farmer all of whom have wealth and land. The chalk circle is also a good illustration to the point) They all get what they deserve.
                In conclusion, we can say that in the text, the Caucacian Chalk Circle, the direction each character takes is dependent on his relationship with others.   Unless we take responsibility, finding meaning in life will elude us.


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