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Thursday, April 23, 2015

The stomach is the one that drives most human beings and not the heart

“It is the stomach that drives most human beings and not the heart. Comment on this statement basing it on The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht.

A .  Prince Kazbeki
He stages a coup against the Grand Duke and the Governor
-          Governor is executed
-          After gaining power he seeks the life of his heir Michael in order to consolidate his power

B.  Governor Abashwili
Driven by greed and materialism
-          Ignores the petition of his subjects against heavy taxation
-          Intends to destroy the slums in order to extend the East wing of the palace

C. Natella
- Displays greed for fame and recognition
She is more possessed with world possessions then her baby Michael
-          Ref pg 24 – orders one of the servants to put down for a moment and get her little saflow colored boots from the bedroom to match her green dress
-          Takes too long rummaging in a truck of expensive clothes - Pg 25
-          She is not  willing to travel on horseback since she prefers the carriage
-          She pursues Michael in order to reclaim her husband’s property due to be inherited by him

D. Azdak
Exhibits excessive greed
Asks for bribes before starting any suit – starts by saying I accept
He actually accepts bribes from
The blackmailer, Natella’s lawyers Simon & Grusha etc

E.  Ordinary citizens – take advantage of the war to satisfy their greed
e.g       - peasant sells a pitcher of milk exorbitantly
- Jussup’s mother – displays greed when she arranges for a marriage between Jussup & Grusha – she is paid 600 piaster for it by Lavrenti

F.  Soldiers
The merchants fear them since they can easily confiscate their merchandise for their own benefit
e.g the 3 merchandise at the rotten bridge hide their merchandise at the arrival of the corporal and the iron shirts
 - The peasant tells Grusha “If you want milk kill the soldiers.”   -       Pg 32


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