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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Betrayal in The City

1.      IN a paragraph describe the following characters as brought out in the Play “ Betrayal in the City”
A)     Nina                   B) Doga                c)Jusper Wendo                d) ADika               e)Mosese
2.      DOGA and NINA are visiting their son’s grave. To their surprise what do they find? (2 marks)
3.      Who had been given  the responsibility to look after his brother’s grave ? _________1 mark
4.      What injustices had been done to the grave?
5.      In scene one what did Jusper confess?
6.      His parents do not believe his statements (Confession) Why? What did they advise him to do?
7.      Whom did Jusper Kill and why?
8.      From whom do we learn the name of the person Jusper had just killed?
9.      Which Ceremony had Mulili and Jere come to stop? And Give reason that they gave for stopping the ceremony?
10.   NINA threatens to strip naked-a mortal curse among the people of his community. What does she say?
11.   JERE goes against the BOSS’s in this scene (1). Explain
12.   Act (1) has so much cultural practices that still linger in some communities. List them?
13.     In your own opinion, do you think the authority was justified to block the ‘hair shaving ceremony’?
14.   Why is Jere Detained?
15.   We understand that JERE was in another cell when he was brought to share a  Cell with Mosese? Why was he moved?
16.   MOSESE is a university lecturer. He was arrested for being__________________________ but He says, he was arrested for___________________
17.   From whom do we learn the death of DOGA and NINA?
18.   MOSESE likes JUSPER. Whey?
19.   We have killed our past and are busy killing the future” Who said this word? ___________What does he mean?
20.   Do you think police officials are doing justice in detaining people without proper investigation?
21.   JUSPER’s girlfriend_______________
22.   JUSPER is sent for drinks. What did he decline?
23.   TUMBO gives JUSPER the which opportunity?
24.   NICODEMO does not want MOSESE to be among those acting for the state visitor. Why?
25.   instead of discussing the issues of the visit, the committee (Entertainment) is more interested what?
26.   The committee comes up with ludicrous proposals on the entertainment of the visiting head of state. Explain?
27.   The meeting(Enetertainment) is prematurely adjourned because________________
28.   KABITO shares his frustration with NICODEMO about what?
29.   Do you think it is okay to involve pupils in a state visit?
30.   MULILI goes to report KABITO. What accusations is he  is accused of?
31.   Do you think it is okay for government officials to own businesses that compete for government tenders?
32.   JUSPER wants to quit his new role as the scriptwriter of the award winning play. Why?
33.     Do you think KABITO was involved in a road accident?
34.   BOSS offers to play as the CHIEF OF STAFF during preparations of the play. Why?


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