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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Mulili is a representation of many African leaders

 Using Imbuga’s Betrayal in the city for illustration, write an essay for or against the assertion that Mulili is a representation of many African leaders.

In Africa today, many leaders act irrationally in matters pertaining to social, political and religious situations. Mulili is callous and corrupt in most of his dealings.
M i – Inhuman nature of Mulili portrays him as a man devoid of any feelings
-          He makes fun of Doga and Nina’s sorrow due to the loss of their son and forbids then to carry out the shaving ceremony at the graveside. Pg. 9
-          He is insensitive to Doga’s feelings that Doga family tells him” may you die the way Adika did. ( pg 10)
-          He has Doga, Nina and Kabito killed in cold –blood.
-          He declares that there is no reason why boss should not be killed.
M II – Mulili is corrupt.
-          Being a boss cousin he is promised many acres of land and grade cattle.
-          When the tender for the supply of milk to the university is awarded to somebody else ( kabito) Mulili reports to Boss who revokes it and gives it to him.
-          Mulili goes on to have Kabito killed after lying to Boss that kabito had maligned his name.
-          He allows a fugitive Mustafa, to escape across the border.
MIII – Mulili id fanatical in a sycophantic way.
-          He does all he can to please authority. (Boss)
-          He is very proud of having undeservingly won the milk tender.
-          He does everything to impress Boss and make him think he is loyal.
-          He was a soldier and now a farmer but still insists on being part of the authority.
MIV - Mulili is a vengeful character
-          He bears a grudge against Kabito because he feels belittled by Kabito whom he alleges has called him a primary school kid.
-          Threatens Jere for failing to enforce the instructions they had to prevent Doga and Nina from carrying out their sons shaving ceremony.


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