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Tuesday, October 27, 2020


The greed exposed in various sectors in today’s society is the same one seen in the ‘The
Pearl’ by John Steinbeck.

i. Health sector
- Doctors are charging exorbitantly thus only focus on the rich who can afford good medical care.
- The doctor wanted to treat Coyotito so as to get part of the pearl if not all of it.

ii Church sector
- Pastors are hunting for those with money and are willing to render services to them.
- The pastors wanted to marry them and baptize the child in church.

iii business sector
- They are all after hitting the jackpot
- They are all waiting for Kino to sell the pearl.

iv family members.
- Kino’s brother and his wife also wanted to benefit for the pearl.

v neighborhood
- They also want their share. Kino’s neighbor could accompany him when he went to sell the pearl
- Beggars were also hopeful


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