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Tuesday, April 14, 2020


1.      Inheriting a top seat without merit only invites ridicule from subjects.

In the Inheritance, Mulwa exposes the vices in Kutula colony by Lacuna and his government in a rather exaggerated manner as discussed below. King Lacuna abuses power and takes advantages of his position to exploit and oppress his subjects. He orders the killing of anyone who opposes his leadership. He asked Juda Zen Melo to kill his brother Bengo who is an activist and a threat to his leadership. When he refuses, he faces the consequences by being sacked and evicted from the government house and his car is taken away. He is also forced to sell his farm to Lacuna’s  Cronies for peanuts and the wife is forced to work in the same farm to make ends meet.

 His leadership is also satirized when he uses money meant for the country’s economic grown for his own selfish gains. He buys an aircraft and deposits the rest in his own account in the same banks that lend the money.

His greed for power is highly satirized. It is ridiculous that he takes his father’s life so that he can get to power. He colludes with the imperialists to poison his father so that he is installed the new king.

The imperialists are also satirized. Their despising and demeaning attitude towards the blacks is highly criticized.

It is laughable that the financiers justify such conditions in the name of helping the people. It is expected that financiers would be sensitive and practical in their demands.

Others satirized include kings cronies like chiparde and government officials who worship him, and are ready to do anything to please him.

From the above discussion, it is quite clear that the author has satirized the poor leadership and the resulting predicaments.


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