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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Essay Quesions - Memories we lost and other stories by Chris Wanjala


    1)    Mariatu Kamara, Memories We Lost and Other Stories
“Painful experiences need not lead one to hopelessness.” With  illustrations  from  the  story,  “Mr. President,” by  Mariatu Kamara, show  the  validity  of this statements.

     2)    Memories we lost and other stories by Chris Wanjala.
Courage in the face of adversity helps the narrator to overcome cancer.  Write an essay to illustrate this statement with reference to the short story. “No Need To lie” Rolf Schmid.

     3)    Wanjala Chris, Memories we Lost and other Stories.
Using Leila Aboulela’s story  “Missing Out”,   write an essay on how Majdy’s stay in London alienates him from his people.

     4)    When a teenage girl is brought up by an absentee mother, she is bound to face countless challenges. Justify this assertion basing your answer on Lesley Nneka’s story ‘Light’ in ‘Memories we Lost and Other Stories’ by Chris Wanjala.

     5)    The short story:      Memories we lost and other stories
Using adequate illustration from the story Almost Home by Barvy Mc kinley, write an essay with the little ‘The Challenges of illegal Immigration

    6)    “Discontentment can lead to self-destruction. “With reference to the short story, ‘How much land does a man need’ by Leo Toistoy, write an essay to support this statement

    7)    “Religious hypocrisy leads to exploitation of the ignorant in the society”.
Validate the assertion above with relevant illustrations from The Folded Leaf by Segun Afolabi.

    8)    “With great determination, self-acceptance and courage, we can overcome even seemingly critical situations” Referring to Mr. Rolf Schmid in No Need to Lie, discuss the truth of this statement.   

    9)   Chris Wanjala (Ed.) memories we lost and other stories
Basing your illustrations on Leo tolstoy’s story How much land does man need?
Explain how insatiable greed can lead a man to his grave

    10) Optimism, however crazy at times, brings about glad moments. In reference to Siddhartha Gigoo’s story ‘The umbrella Man,’ show how true this is.

   11) “ Contentment is a key ingredient to better living” Drawing your illustrations from Leo Tolstoy’s “How much Land does Man Need?”, discuss the validity of this statement

   12) “How much land does a man need’ using leo Tolstoy’s story, write an essay showing how greed and materialism can lead to grave consequences.

   13) When the Sun Goes Down and other stories:Ilieva Emilia and WaveneyOlembo (Ed) ‘Single parenthood has a lot of challenges which have lasting effects on children’ With reference to the story I stand Here Ironing by Tillie Olsen, write an essay to illustrate this.

   14) Memories we Lost and other Short stories
Travelers are sometimes subjected to pathetic travelling conditions in Third World cities. Drawing illustrations from Benjamin Branoff’s Window Seat’, write an essay to support this statement. 

15) Chris wanjala –memories We Lost and Other Stories. 
Insatiable greed and ambition can lead to self-destruction. Using illustrations from the story, “How much does a man need,” by Leo Top story, write an essay in response to this statement.

    16) The Anthology: “Memories we lost and other stories,” by Chris Wanjala
Taking one step at time is the yardstick to success. Basing your illustrations on the story “The Presiden”t by Mariatu Kamara, show the truth of the statement above.

    17) Many victims of mental illness suffer in the hands of the community around them.   With illustrations from the story Memories We Lost, by Lidudumalingani Mqombothi, prove this true

    18) The short stories. Memories we lost.
“Contentment is all that a man need.” In relation to the story “How much land does a man need.” Write an essay to show the truth of this statement.

    19) Memories We Lost and Other Stories
In reference to Leo Tolstoy’s story, “ How Much Land Does Man Need ? “ write an essay to illustrate that greed invites frustration and eventual destruction.

     20) Memories we lost
Discuss how the author has brought out parenting and change in the story ‘Light’ by Lesley Nneka Arimah Chris Wanjala (Ed.), Memories We Lost and Other Stories

    21) At depressing moments, it is hope and positive thinking that make life bearable. Write an essay to justify the truth of the above statement drawing illustrations from Siddhartha Gigoo’s “The Umbrella Man.”

    22) Memories we lost and other stories’ by Chris Wanjala
Discuss the major issues highlighted by the writer in the story “Window Seat” by Benjamin Brand off


  1. Can i get sample written essay

  2. Essay questions and their answers

  3. Answer to 'He who desires all loses all' from How much land does man need

  4. Please may I get the answers to the essay questions

  5. Can I get an essay on;Despite the challenges cancer patients go through one can overcome the disease in relation to No Need To Lie by Rolf Schmid
