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Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Doll's House Play by Henrik Ibsen - Revision Questions

1. Where is A Doll's House set?
2. Why does Nora tell the porter to hide the tree?
3. What does Nora sneak at the beginning of the play?
4. What does Torvald call Nora?
5. Why does Torvald scold Nora at the beginning of the play?
6. When is Torvald getting a new job? Why does he want Nora to wait to spend money?
7. How does Nora suggest they buy things before the promotion?
8. What does Nora want Torvald to get her for a present? Why doesn't he want to give it to her?
9. What does Torvald think runs in Nora's family?
10. Does Nora want to be like her dad? Does Torvald want this?

11. What is the first thing Nora lies about?
12. What did Nora do the Christmas before this one?
13. Who is Mrs. Linde?
14. What does Nora think of Mrs. Linde's appearance?
15. What work has Nora had to do?
16. What secret does Nora tell Mrs. Linde first?
17. What is Christine's backstory?
18. What does Christine ask of Nora?
19. Why does Christine think it's nice of Nora to care so much about her troubles?
20. What does Nora reveal to Mrs. Linde after being insulted because Christine said she  didn't really know trouble?
21. When does Nora plan on telling Torvald the truth?
22. How has Nora been paying back the loan?
23. What does Nora dream?
24. How does Mrs. Linde first claim to have known Krogstad?
25. What is Krogstad's backstory?
26. What does Mrs. Linde say when Dr. Rank tells her and Nora what a bad guy Krogstad is?
27. What does Torvald say when Nora asks if Christine can have a job?
28. What does Krogstad first ask Nora? Then what does he ask of her?
29. Why is Nora no longer afraid of Krogstad when he first comes to visit?
30. Why does Krogstad want to regain the community's respect?
31. Why does Nora tell Krogstad not to tell Torvald about the money?
32. What does Krogstad tell Nora that makes the whole thing worse?
33. When does Nora start decorating the Christmas tree?
34. Why does Torvald think Krogstad was at the house?
35. What does Nora ask Torvald to do for her?
36. What crime did Krogstad commit? Why does Torvald not like him?
37. How does the Christmas tree look at the start of act 2?
38. Who is Anne?
39. What costume is Nora going to wear to the Stenborgs' party?
40. What dance does Torvald want Nora to do?
41. What does Christine offer Nora?
42. What is Dr. Rank sick with? How did he get it?
43. What can Nora not talk about with Torvald? Why?
44. Who does Christine guess lent Nora the money?
45. What does Christine think of Nora and Dr. Rank's relationship?
46. Who does Nora think about borrowing money from to pay Krogstad?
47. What does Nora tell Torvald she'll do anything he asks of her for? What does Torvald say?
48. What reasoning does Nora give for why Torvald should not fire Krogstad?
49. What does Torvald think of Nora's dad's business?
50. Why won't Torvald give in to Nora's request for a job for Krogstad?
51. What finally makes Torvald send a letter firing Krogstad?
52. Why does Torvald forgive Nora's behavior in wanting a job for Krogstad?
53. What does Dr. Rank ask of Nora?
54. How will Dr. Rank inform Nora of his death?
55. Who does Dr. Rank think will replace him as Nora's friend after he dies?
56. How does Nora react when Dr. Rank tells her he loves her?
57. How does Nora respond when Rank tells her that she seems like she loves him more than Torvald?
58. What relationship does Nora liken her relationship with Torvald to?
Why is Krogstad surprised Torvald would fire him at first?
59. What does Krogstad offer?
60. How does Krogstad plan to use the blackmail?
61. What does Nora threaten to do? What does Krogstad say?
62. What does Nora expect Torvald to do when he finds out?
63. How does Mrs. Linde reassure Nora?
64. What does Nora ask Torvald to help her with?
65. What does Torvald guess when Nora says he'll have no time to open letters since he's helping her practice? What does he agree to do?
66. Why is Nora kind of glad that Torvald's going to find out?
67. Where does Mrs. Linde wait for Krogstad? Why?
68. What is Krogstad & Mrs. Linde's past?
69. What does Krogstad say he's been like since Christine left him? What does she say?
70. Why does Mrs. Linde tell Krogstad she came to town? What does he say?
71. What does Mrs. Linde say when Krogstad asks if she only got back together with him for Nora?
72. Why does Christine tell Krogstad not to get his letter back?
73. Did Nora want to leave the party so early?
74. Why does Mrs. Linde say she's at their house?
75. What did Torvald think of Nora's performance at the party?
76. What does Torvald think Mrs. Linde should do instead of knitting?
77. What does Torvald pretend when the Helmers go to parties?
78. What does Dr. Rank say he will be at the party next year?
79. Why does Dr. Rank tell Torvald he had a right to drink a lot at the party?
80. What does Torvald notice about the mailbox? What is Nora's response?
81. What does Torvald find in the mailbox from Rank?
81. What does Torvald tell Nora after he says he's glad to have her?
82. What does Torvald do after reading Krogstad's letter?
83. What does Torvald say in response to Nora's threatening to commit suicide?
84. What is Torvald's solution?
85. How does Krogstad fix the problem?
86. Why does Torvald say his love for Nora is even deeper now?
87. What does Nora complain about after Torvald forgives her?
88. Who does Nora accuse of treating her like a doll?
89. Why does Nora say she's leaving Torvald and the kids?
90. Why does Torvald admonish Nora for wanting to leave?
91. What does Nora need to learn by leaving?
92. Why does Nora realize she never loved Torvald?
93. When does Nora say she would come back?
94. What does Helmer end with?