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Saturday, August 13, 2016



 1. “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Write an essay to support this statement
2. Using the story of Simon Shashava and Grusha Vashnadze, write an essay on how true friendship can overcome hardships.
3. “True motherhood is not necessarily biological.” Write an essay illustrating this statement
4. “Dispensing justice is not a matter of one’s training rather one’s orientation.” Basing your answer on Azdak , justify
5. ”A good turn deserves another.” Illustrate the validity of the statement.
6. What is the importance of the prologue in the text
7. “That what there is shall go to those who are good for it.” Citing examples, justify
8. “Corruption has hindered the administration of justice in our society today.” How valid is this statement
9. Grusha has all rights to Michael’s motherhood. Discuss
10. Using illustrations from the play, contrast the character traits of Jussup and Simon
11. Discuss the ideology of communism in the text
12. How has the author used irony in telling the story.
13. Azdak is the king of satire, how true is the statement.
14. How are the characters of Grusha and Azdak important to front the intended message of the play.
15. Discuss the effectiveness of the style play within a play.
16. “Grusha is a victim of circumstances.” citing relevant examples from the play, discuss
17. Write an essay on the causes of coup de tat in the city of Nuka
18. Azdak is the voice of reason in the text, to what extent is this statement true
19. How are songs used as story telling devices in the play. Explain
20. “War can have devastating effects on the citizens of a nation.” Basing your answer on the play, discuss.
21. “A person’s life can be propelled by forces beyond his control.” Support this statement with sufficient illustrations from the text.
22. “Choices have consequences.” Basing your argument on the text, validate this statement
23. How controversial is Azdak. Discuss this statement making reference to his cases.
24. Grusha’s life is characterized by making hard choices and sacrifices. Prove using the text.
25. Basing your answer on Natella Abashwili, discuss the saying, “pride comes before a fall.”
26. “It is better for a country to have no justice system than to have a corrupt one.” Discuss
27. Just after handing over the baby to Grusha, Azdak makes one positive mistake. State the mistake and write an essay as to why you think the mistake is a positive one.
28. “Being hypocritical is a trait that subtracts the human element from the said person and tags the callous element on them. Justify using the text.
29. When a person combines power and wealth, they become both insensitive and vulnerable to simple manipulation. Make your response basing on Georgi Abashwilli.
30. “Blood is thicker than water.” How does the playwright negate this statement?


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