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Saturday, August 13, 2016

Nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall

Betrayal in the city – Francis Imbuga – A nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall.
Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City’, justify this statement.
      Bad leaders are most of the time egocentric, corrupt and greedy. These leaders always lead to the downfall of their countries. It is not different in Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City where the leaders have greatly contributed to Kafira’s downfall.

      Mulili is one such leader. His corrupt trait makes him have the milk tender which was initially Kabito’s. He manipulates Boss into giving him the tender by lying to Boss about Kabito and later, he has him killed. He is also greedy for wealth to an extent that he is ready to do anything to get the vast land (4000 acres) promised to him by Boss. This indeed is a quick way to a nation’s downfall.

      Boss who is Kafira’s top most leaders hires expatriates to take up lecturing jobs which   causes university students to go on strike since there are qualified citizens who are jobless in Kafira. To hit back, he gets more expatriates. His greed is portrayed by the fact that he has stashed money in foreign accounts. These traits contribute to a fall of Kafira.

      Tumbo, a top government official is also corrupt, which leads him to let Jusper write the play without having a competition to get a winner as was required to. He later says that the rest
      Of the money would be used to ‘set the records’ straight. This is greed at its best besides
      Corruption which a recipe for country’s fall.

        Nicodemo’s act of planting drugs in Mosese’s car is corrupt indeed, especially when it is meant to implicate an innocent person leading into being jailed just to silence and punish him for no good reason. After the announcement of Kabito’s death, he asks if that day sitting allowances could be paid if they called off the meeting

            Askari portrays corrupt traits when he says that he gave tea to the prisoner Jere who did
not belong to his tribe. He goes further to say that one needs a ‘tall relative’ to get anything, an indication of high level of corruption which has brought this country to its knees.


Indeed leaders who are egocentric, corrupt and greedy lead to the downfall of a nation as has been seen in Kafira. Boss and his government officials have contributed a great deal to the state of Kafira.


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