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Thursday, November 29, 2018

Blossoms of the Savannah- Resian

·  The Title Blossoms of the Savannah can metaphorically refer to Resian.  She experienced several challenging situations in her life but she deals with them and triumphs at the end.  

·  Resian is focused on joining the university.  She wanted to go back to Nakuru and join Egerton University and take a course in Veterinary Science and become a Veterinary doctor. But she suffers hardship and harshness after relocating to Nasila.  Both the parents are more than willing to marry her off to Oloisudori. Resian resolves not to be married. Her father slaps her so as to submit to the marriage but Resian remains firm.  She eventually got an opportunity to actualize her dream of joining the university after she meets with the Emakererei. 

·  Resian also suffers a lot in their rural home in Nasila. The first days in Nasila together with her sister Taiyo come face to face with challenges. For instance, they are accosted by a heavyset Youngman, who wanted to have a good look at both of them and know what kind of stuff they were made off, since they were uncircumcised.  Their age mates had undergone the cut and this makes them to be alienated.  Despite all these she fights with determination since this culture was outdated. Together with the sister they get to meet Emakererei and with whom they unite to fight against this archaic Nasila Culture. 

·  Resian suffers in the hands of Olarinkoi who disappears with her to a hut in the forest. This was after she was promised to be taken to Minik.  Olarinkoi locks her up and attempted to rape her but saves herself by biting Olarinkoi ‘s thumb. The mono-eyed woman also had planned for Resian to undergo the cut before she was to be forcefully taken by Olarinkoi as a wife. Despite all this Resian was determined and flees from the two after she is rescued by Nabaru. She is taken to the famous Emakererei whom she had aspired to work with. Nabaru also joins in the fight against girls’ circumcision and early marriage.


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