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Thursday, April 23, 2015

True Motherhood is not necessarily biological

“True Motherhood is not necessarily biological”   illustrate this statement using Bertolt Brechts The Causasion Chalk Circle for your illustration.
        You need not be a biological mother to become motherly. Strangers can act more responsibly than real mothers. This is clearly illustrated by Grusha, a kitchen maid, in the play, The Caucasian Chalk Circle as shown below;
        Natella Abashwili, the biological mother of Michael abandons the child as she flees the city .She is more interested in her fine linen and shoes as well as horse carriages. Grusha though a kitchen maid she rescues the Governor’s son Michael during the civil war. She sits by the abandoned boy, the whole night and finally decides to take him into the Northern Mountains.
      Grusha adopts the boy and risks her own life for the sake of the boy’s safety She sacrifices her week’s wages to buy milk for the boy. She risks and crosses the rotten bridge with a boy. To protect the boy from the Iron Shirt who wanted to capture him, she hits the corporal on the head and flees away.  Grusha acts responsibly as compared to the child’s biological mother.
       The mockery of Grusha’s sister-in-law concerning the illegitimate child, Michael does not affect her affection for the young boy. Grusha Vashnadze also endures an arranged and difficult marriage on paper to a “dying man, Jussup: for the sake of the child.
      Natella Abashwili when she comes back for the Child after war, she is more on the wealth that the father left for the boy but not motherly love but Grusha is determine to protect the boys as much as possible. She is determined to keep Micahel no matter what happens. She resolves to adopt the boy and does not intend to go back on her word.
      Grusha faces Azdak, the Judge and dares him to pass a negative judgment against her after she notices that he’s received money from Natella’s lawyer. She directs confrontation with judge. Grusha fights for the custody of Michael in court and does not pull him to her side in the test of the chalk circle so as not to tear him up. She fears to destroy the boy she has nurtured and brought up expensively as a real mother.
Generally, mothers are supposed to be motherly for one to be accredited a real mother of a child .This world  mean not all the biological /mothers are a sincere parents as to claim the ownership, however the soul that would nurture brings up responsibly deserves the ownership as portrays in Grusha Vashnadze
(Comment to add more illustration of this discussion)


  1. Grusha risks her own life as they cross the rotten bridge to save the baby from the iron shirts. Claiming,"live together,die together."

  2. It real hard to get this I love the story
