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Thursday, April 13, 2017



 AZDAK:                       (sitting down): I accept. (Sighing, the inkeeper hands him some money). Good.
                                    Now the formalities are disposed of. This is a case of rape?
      INKEEPER :         Your Honour, I caught the fellow in the act. Ludovica was in the straw on the                                         stable floor.
      AZDAK :                Quite right , the stable. Lovely horses! especially liked the little roan.
      INKEEPER :         The first thing I did, of course , was to question Ludovica. On my son’s behalf.
      AZDAK :                ( seriously ): I said I especially liked the little roan.
      INKEEPER :         ( Coldly ) : Really ? Ludovica confessed the stableman took her against her will.
      AZDAK :                Take your veil off, Ludovica. (she does so) Ludovica, you please the court. Tell                                     us how it happened.
Questions Analysis.                                                                                             

Before this excerpt a case is presented to court whereby an innkeeper is accusing his stableman of raping his daughter – in – law Ludovica.        
‘I accept’ these are words used by Azdak as a way of soliciting for a bribe. It implies that he is ready and willing to be bribed.

Theme of moral decadence is present in this excerpt since the stable man was caught having sex with Ludovica despite the fact that Ludovica is another man’s wife.          

Ludovica’s defense (How events happened)
She entered the stable to see the new foal. The stable man observed that it was hot that day and laid his hand on Ludovica’s left breast. She resisted by telling him not to do that but all was in vain the stableman continued handling her indecently. That provoked her anger and before she realized his sinful intensions he got closer. It was all over when her father – in – law came and accidentally trod on her.

From this excerpt we can say Azdak is Corrupt- He openly accepts brides in court “I accept”.Persistent – he repeats that he particularly liked the little roan. / Persistently asks to be bribed with the little roan. Immoral – Tells Ludovica to remove her veil possibly to assess how beautiful she is.
And what can we say about Ludovica?
Immoral / unfaithful – she sleeps with the stable man despite having a husband
 Opportunistic – she takes advantages of the absence of her husband to have an affair with the stable man.
    Obedient – she complies when she is told to remove her veil by the judge.
It is ironical as it turns out Azdak rules in favour of the stableman and fines Ludovica to hand over the little roan to the court. This is despite the fact that he has already received a bribe from the inkeeper. One would have accepted him to rule in favour of Ludovica                                                                            
We have biblical allusion in this act since it alludes to the story of the woman who was caught by the Pharisees, committing adultery which was against the laws of Moses and she was presented to Jesus to pass judgement on   her.             


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