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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Christianity is a sanctuary to the oppressed

Christianity is a sanctuary to those oppressed by cultural practices” Basing your argument on the River and the source by Margaret A. Ogola. Discuss the validity of the above statement

The society in The River and the source had cultural practices that oppressed a section of that society.However, the advent of Christianity changes this as shown below. 

The new form of government, ‘Sirikal’ takes over from the chief and the council of Jodongo when Akoko is robbed of her wealth by Otieno, her brother in-law; she seeks and gets assistance from the sirikal’. He is stripped of his post and ordered to give back to her all he had taken from her.

Wife inheritance is meant for the continuity of the family. The woman is supposed to be inherited and continue bearing children. The inheritor, however, has no responsibility over the children born. In the case of Nyabera, she is neglected. Nyabera seeks solace in the new faith. The new religion offers an alternative to those who are neglected. But, Christianity does not condone polygamy. This is one law Nyabera knew she would find hard to keep. Her desire for children and the need to embrace Christianity put her in a very precarious position.

Marriages that were initially arranged by the parents become a bond between two people. Awiti and Mark Sigu didn’t have to dig into each other’s families. No spying was done on either of the family marriages outside tribes and races takes root. For a woman to remain unmarried was unheard of. This changed.

Vera becomes a non- marrying member of the Opus Dei’ She dedicates her life to the service of God.

Bride price, which was seen as a source of wealth is reduced to a mere token. The relatives do not take this kindly. Awiti is later on alleged to have been given away for free because of her inability to bear as many children as expected.

 The changes that are brought about by Christianity offer solace to those who had been oppressed by bad cultural practices as discussed above.


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