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Sunday, August 28, 2016

Akoko is at the centre of the change process in the society

Drawing illustrations from Margaret Ogula’s The River and the Source, write an essay proving that Akoko is at the centre of the change process in the society of the River and the Source.

Change is inevitable and cannot be preserved.  In the River and the Source, Akoko becomes instrumental in spearheading the change.

Disputes were solved by the Council of Jodongo, Akoko goes home after the accusations by her mother-in-law that she had bewitched Owuor Kembo. Elders from both sides settle the dispute however, when Otieno plunders her property, Akoko makes history by taking a pioneering journey to Kisumu to seek justice from the Jorochere (the white man) through her, the whole of Sakwa experiences the impact of the white man’s rule.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Oppressed will not forever remain silent

“The oppressed will not forever remain silent.” With adequate illustration from the play betrayal in the city, show that you agree with this assumption 

            There is wide spread oppression in the play Betrayal in The City. Many characters are afraid to speak out for fear of retribution from the seemingly invincible government. But this does not remain the case for long. When they cannot bear the oppression any longer, they talk.

Justice is achieved in the Caucasian Chalk Circle.

Justice though elusive is achieved in the Caucasian Chalk Circle.

            Injustice is prevalent in the society many times; people suffer because of injustice for instance widows are disinherited by their in-laws. However justice is eventually achieved, for example through court rulings in the Caucasian Chalk Circle, there are several instances of injustice, but justice is eventually achieved

Saturday, August 13, 2016



 1. “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Write an essay to support this statement
2. Using the story of Simon Shashava and Grusha Vashnadze, write an essay on how true friendship can overcome hardships.
3. “True motherhood is not necessarily biological.” Write an essay illustrating this statement
4. “Dispensing justice is not a matter of one’s training rather one’s orientation.” Basing your answer on Azdak , justify
5. ”A good turn deserves another.” Illustrate the validity of the statement.

Nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall

Betrayal in the city – Francis Imbuga – A nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall.
Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City’, justify this statement.
      Bad leaders are most of the time egocentric, corrupt and greedy. These leaders always lead to the downfall of their countries. It is not different in Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City where the leaders have greatly contributed to Kafira’s downfall.

Mark Sigu's Strong Family Values

A strong household is founded on strong family values. Making reference to Mark Sigu’s family in Margaret Ogola’s The River and the Source, write an essay to justify this statement.

            In the River and The Source, Mark Sigu meets, woos and marries Elizabeth Awiti in the  traditionally expected way. They start and develop a strong family that is founded on
      strong values such as love, respect and discipline among others.   

River and The Source Gender Discrimination

“In the traditional Africa Society, women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.”
Using illustrations from, The River and The Source, validate the statement.
            The Luo Society in the River and the source portray how women were treated in a world dominated by men. Women heroes in the novel have to struggle since the society treats them as lesser beings.

Friends close but enemies even closer

“We keep our friends close but our enemies even closer”. Support this statement using “Betrayal in the City” as reference.
We have those that we think are our friends and we keep them informed and as part of our lives, yet they are our enemies and don’t have much interest in us.

      Mulili and Jere are both government officials. When they are sent to stop Doga and Nina from the shaving ceremony, they disagree as Jere wants it performed. Jere feels that it should be kept a secret by both of them as Mulili had earlier helped Mustafa to escape and Jere had kept silent. But Mulili tells the boss of this little secret and Jere ends up in jail. Jere had also earlier threatened to shoot Mulili.