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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Relevance of the Title | Blossoms of the Savannah

Simply put,blossoms of Savannah imply flowering plants which are ready to produce fruits that grow in a woodland or grassland.It brings out the uniqueness and outstanding traits of such plants that survive and thrive in harsh ecosystem.

It simple terms,the title implies outstanding achievements that are arrived at despite harsh conditions.This is the message the writer brings out by creating female characters who fight for what they believe in ultimately succeed despite the cultural hindrances that they encounter.

This title in metaphoric terms refers to the two Ole Kae lo's daughters Taiyo and Resian. The two are at the verge of womanhood and they suffer hardships after moving to the rural home of Nasila. Having grown in Nakuru town.The two were not used to the challenges that they encounter in Nasila. It is after getting to Nasila that they come face to face with the reality of the Maasai culture and traditions,most of which they consider outdated.Unlike many of their age mates,the to have not undergone the cut.This makes them to be mocked and threatened. Teiyo is forced to undergo it but Resian is lucky to escape the ordeal,she escaped from the old man who was to be her husband,Oloisuduri.She further suffers in the the hands of Olorinkoi who wants her circumcised before forcefuly taking her as his wife.

Despite all the harsh conditions of the Maasai culture,the two soldier on with a determination to fight to fight what they consider outdated.They get to meet famous Emakererei who was their role model and with whom they had all along aspired to work with.Though the meeting is not under the best circumstances ,the two get the opportunity to actualize their dream of joining Egerton University.

Similary ,Minik ene Nkoitoi,the Emekererei is seen as a source of the blossoms of Savannah.Her ranch has flowers and trees that blossom despite being in arid area.It is no wonder Taiyo Imagines she is in paradise when she sees all green lawns,beautiful flower gardens and tall leafy trees,Resian loves the beauty of the compound.The flourishing flowers are symbolic of many girls that Emekererei has rescued and who continue to flourish through education.She fights the outdated practices of early forced marriages and FGM a battle which she is slowly winning.By the time she arrives at her ranch,there are five hundred other girls who she has already rescued.Despite the fact that many people are against her and her attempts to save the girl child,she still keeps the fight.It is through her that Resian and her sister Taiyo rescued and enrolled at the university as they had always wanted.

All the girls that she rescues from from female circumcision and early marriage are blossoms that continue to thrive despite tough situation.From the song sang by the girls during the farewell party of Taiyo and Resian,the girls refer to themselves as the blossoms of the savanna.

In conclusion,it is clear that Blossoms of the Savannah appropriately represents the aim of the story where the author brings out female characters who tirelessly fight for liberation from demeaning and outdated cultural practices like FGM and forced marriages and at the end of it they win the battle.


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