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Thursday, May 7, 2020


Read the following excerpt and answer the questions that follow.

Although Resian had a lot to complain and grumble about in life in their new environment, Taiyo found it tolerable. For instance, she gladly discovered that mornings in their new home began with a lively chatter of birds in the trees surrounding their house. That gave the home an atmosphere of tranquility and peace.

However, one of the unpleasant aspects that the girls had to live with was the constant violation of their privacy. In Nasila, they soon discovered, the home belonged to all the clan members. It was not an unusual thing to get up in the morning to find the living room full of men and women who came early, not for any tangible business, but simply to share a sumptuous breakfast with their kith and kin. Taiyo and Resian were soon to get used to hearing an urgent knock at the door very early in the morning.

On opening, they would invariably be met by a grinning group of men or women who would unashamedly ask them what they were doing in bed that late in the morning. They would proceed to take seats in the living room and order them to serve them breakfast. When they got used to what at first, they considered negative aspects of the Nasila culture, Taiyo and Resian adjusted accordingly and soon they began to live harmoniously with the people. Their father was out of the homestead most of the time working at the shop and organizing other business matters.

His absence meant the absence of his irksome and corrosive remarks that always heightened tension in the house. In his absence, the house was a continuous joy with comfort and conveniences, and the girls found it pleasurable to keep it clean and well-arranged.

A) What happens immediately after this extract? (5 marks)
B) Where had the family been living before and why did they move? (3 marks)
C) Give the character traits of the following: (6 marks)
  • ·         Taiyo
  • ·         The people of Nasila
D) Discuss a theme implied in the extract. (4 marks)
E) Using the rest of the book, cite and explain one cultural aspect that had a life changing effect on the lives of the two girls (4 mks)
F) Explain a stylistic device used in the extract. (2 mks)
G) Taiyo and Resian adjusted accordingly? Add a question tag. (1 mk)


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