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Sunday, September 24, 2017

The River and the Source Essay Questions

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 1.      “Desire without limits can be a source of agony both for ourselves and those around us”. Write a composition to show how true this statement is according to the various characters in The River and The Source.

    2.      Using at least three characters in the novel, write an essay to show how the writer portrays women as the driving force in society. Base your answer on the River and the Source

3.      With close reference to the novel, The River and the Source support the statement “Misfortunes never strike singly.”

     4.      ‘Awiti was a prototype of others yet to come.’ How valid is this statement in relation to female characters in The River and the Source? Write a composition based on the novel.

     5.      The River and the Source highlights the virtue of courage.” Using Akoko, justify this statement.

     6.      The phrase “…It is a changing world…” Is repeated in The River and The Source. Using illustrations from text, show how the world is changing.

     7.      “The Whiteman’s Culture is a blessing to the female gender”. To what extent is this statement true as depicted in the novel.“The River and the Source” by Margaret Ogola.

      8.      “The leading women in ‘The River and the Source’ have ventured where no one has been before’.
        Illustrate from the text to show the validity of the above statement.

9.      Write an essay on the aspects of change evident in the society basing your answer on the institution
        Of marriage. Draw your illustrations from Margaret Ogola’s novel, The River and the Source.

10.  Margaret Ogola, The River and the Source. The Western culture has totally changed the African traditions.  With reference to the “River and the Source,” show the validity of this statement

11.  Margaret Ogola brings out the pioneering spirit in women. Discuss.

     12.  Basing your answer on Margaret Ogolla’s The River and the Source show the importance of children in this society            

     13.  Tradition places many obstacles on a woman’s path to realizing her full potential. Write an essay to justify this statement using illustrations from Margaret Ogola’s “The River and the Source.”

     14.  The novel, The River and The Source glorifies the achievements of the girl –child over the boy child. With clear and concrete examples; write an essay in support of this statement.

      15.  “Traditions dictate what is acceptable and what is not acceptable for an organized stable
      Society.” Drawing your illustrations form the novel, The River and the Source, write an
      Essay to validate the truth of this statement.

      16.  ‘ Even in a patriarchal society, women can succeed’ Using illustrations from Margaret Ogola’s The River and the Source, write an essay in support of the above statement.

17.  Compare character of Akoko and Wandia and explain the role of each in the story.

      18.  “Some hard decisions made by individuals bring progress in life”  Support this statement, focusing on Akoko, with illustrations from the novel, ‘The River and the Source’.       

     19.  The River and The Source. Margaret Ogola.
      Challenges are the steps to greatness”. Using four characters from the novel show whether or not you       agree with this statement. 


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