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Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Betrayal in the city Essay Answers

 Download these Essay questions with answer upon payment of KShs 100 through Mpesa to number 0711 224186. Send your email address or Whatsapp No. via SMS to the same number for delivery purpose. You Receive the Answers upon payment. Click this link to download the Soft copy. Betrayal in the City Essay

1.      “Greed has driven man to the rock bottom of moral depravity”. Write a composition to show how this assertion correctly sums up the events in Imbuga’s play, Betrayal in the city

2.      “Corruption is a vice that should be fought by all and sundry”. Using illustrations from Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City”, Write an essay to justify this statement.

3.      Write an essay with the title ‘Man is vengeful in nature’ with illustrations from Betrayal in the City.

4.      ‘In a dictatorial regime the prisoners are not only the incarcerated.’ Drawing your illustrations from Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City, write an essay to justify this statement.

5.      Betrayal in the city is a satire of a society that clothes truths in lies. Write an essay in support of this assessment of Kafira

6.      “Kafira is a reflection of African states ruled with an iron fist.” Validate the truthfulness of this statement drawing your illustrations from the text ‘Betrayal in the City’ by Francis Imbuga.

7.      “There comes a time when oppressed people openly speak against dictatorship and are unafraid of the consequences.” Citing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City. Support this statement.

8.      “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Basing your answer from the play, Betrayal in The City, show the validity of this statement.                  

9.      Write an essay to illustrate the statement that Boss is the sole problem in Kafira

10.  In a dictatorial regime both the leader and the led lead a ‘cat and mouse’ kind of existence.

11.  “We keep our friends close but our enemies even closer”. Support this statement using “Betrayal in the City” as reference.

12.  When injustice prevails in a country, the citizens become hopeless. Write an essay in support of this statement using illustrations from Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City.

13.  “The outside of one cell may as well be the inside of another.”  Discuss the relevance of the above statement basing your answer from Franchis Imbuga’s, Betrayal in the City.
14.  “Africa kills her sun.” using Kafira as a case in point, and with this statement even in mind, discuss how Africa’s leadership is to blame for the evils bedeviling her.

15.  Explain how the violation of human rights by the regime has affected the people of Kafira.  Base your illustrations on Betrayal in the city by Francis Imbuga                      

16.  “Although it is good to speak your mind, doing so can have its own consequences.” Write a composition on this statement using illustration from “Betrayal in the City.” 

17.  Drama: Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in The City. Fighting for justice comes with a price.  Discuss the validity of this statement in relation to the play – Betrayal in the City

18.  Betrayal is a central theme in Francis Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City.” Write a composition detailing how betrayal is brought out in the play.

19.  The play Betrayal In The CityThe struggle to restore human dignity is a very dangerous undertaking.

20.  Using illustrations from Betrayal in the City, write an essay to show how Jusper is a
      victim of circumstances.

21.  Moral issues affect political leadership in a country. Using illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City justify this statement.  

22.  Dictatorship pushes citizens to the wall and they are bound to react often in an extreme manner. Basing your illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the city write an essay to support this statement

23.  Discuss the plight of political prisoners as brought out in the play Betrayal in the City.

24.  ‘In a play some characters can be mentioned but make no appearance in the play’

25.  Drawing illustrations from Betrayal in the city by Francis Imbuga show the symbolic roles played by four such characters

26.  When people try to practice their rights under an intolerable government, they land in trouble. With reference to characters in the Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga, illustrate the statement.

27.  Francis Imbuga, Betrayal in the City.“ Mulili a true reflection of evil in the society of Kafira.” Write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.

28. Betrayal in the City by Francis Imbuga. Corruption plays a big role in the poor governance of Kafira . Explain how true this is in the light of what happens in the play.

29.  Write an essay to illustrate Mosese’s observation that they had killed their past and were busy killing their future. Draw illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City

30.  Betrayal in the city – Francis Imbuga – A nation led by a bad leader is destined to fall.Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City’, justify this statement.

31.  When a nation is led by corrupt and greedy leaders, a nation is bound to have a great downfall. With reference to Francis Imbuga’s play ‘Betrayal in the City’, justify this statement

32.  “In a dictatorial regime; the prisoners are not only the incarcerated.”  Drawing illustrations from Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City, write an essay to justify this statement.                       

33.  “Corruption is a vice that should be fought by all and sundry”. Using illustrations from Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City”, Write an essay to justify this statement.

34.  “The outside of one cell may as well be the inside of another.” Discuss the relevance of the above statement basing your answer from Franchis Imbuga’s, Betrayal in the City.

35.  “When the madness of an entire nation disturbs a solitary mind, it is not enough to say the man is mad.” Demonstrate the truth of this statement basing your illustrations on the play; Betrayal in the City, by Francis Imbuga.          

36.  “Many African leaders are dictatorial to cover up for their inadequacies.”Using The Betrayal in the City, justify the above statement using Boss as an example

37.  “Dictatorship by any government leads to social and political oppression.” Write an essay to show the truth of the above statement with close reference to Imbuga’s “Betrayal in the City.

38.  “A society’s image is dependent on its governance.”Using illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s, Berayal in the city,” write an essay in support of this

39.  “In a dictatorial regime, both the ruler and the ruled suffer.” With close reference to the events in the play, justify this statement.

40.  Drama: Betrayal in the city –Francis Imbuga.
      Impunity is the order of the day in most African states. Drawing illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s
      Betrayal in the city, write an essay in support of this statement

41.  With illustrations from Francis Imbuga’s play “Betrayal in the City” show how greed has messed the society.

42.  Referring to Francis Imbuga’s play “Betrayal in the city,” write an essay to validate the statement: “Corruption retards development.”

43.  “Mulili is the epitome of evil in the Kafiran society. “How true is this statement in light of what takes places in the play Betrayal in the city, by Francis Imbuga.

44.  Like caged animals we move but inside the cage.” Write an essay to illustrate this statement based on Francis Imbuga’s Betrayal in the City.

45.   With close reference to Francis Imbuga’s play ‘Betrayal in the City’, Write a composition showing how bad governance is a recipe for oppression in the society

46.  “ insatiable desire for vengeance id the driving force behind commission of heinous crime. Referring to Francis Imbuga’s play Betrayal write an essay to validate this.

47.  Education is a key element in the struggle for social justice.”  Write an essay to bring out the truth of this statement using illustrations from the play Betrayal in the city.

48.  With close reference to Francis Imbuga’s “Betrayal in The City.” Validate the proposition that, “Dictatorship as a style of leadership breeds a lot of evil in the society.”

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