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Thursday, December 8, 2016


Text- Setbook Notes and (Book) e.g Setbook Notes- Betrayal in the City (0711224186) The Setbook Notes will be sent to your email address/ Whatsapp as a Doc/ Pdf . We charge 100/ Per Setbook. 

“In the traditional Africa Society, women suffer the effects of gender discrimination.”
Using illustrations from, The River and The Source, validate the statement.

A strong household is founded on strong family values. Making reference to Mark Sigu’s family in Margaret Ogola’s The River and the Source, write an essay to justify this statement

Drawing illustrations from Margaret Ogola’s The River and The Source, write an essay proving that Akoko is at the centre of the change process in the society of the River and The Source.

A strong household is founded on strong family values. Making reference to Mark Sigu’s family in Margaret Ogola’s The River and the Source, write an essay to justify the above statement.

The River and the Source is an exploration of African traditions as was bombarded by irresistible winds of change.  Using the novel for your illustrations, write an essay to show the truth of this statement. 

“A woman is the driving force in the society.” Prove the validity of this statement basing your argument on the text The River and the source by Margaret Ogola.

 The River and the Source highlights the virtue of courage.” Using Akoko, justify this statement.

“Despite good parenting, children can sometimes be a disappointment”. Using Elizabeth and Mark children, write an essay in support of this statement.

“Akoko is the embodiment of change.”  Discuss the validity of this statement, using illustrations from The River and the Source.

The Western culture has totally changed the African traditions.  With reference to the “River and the  Source,” show the validity of this statement.

 Akoko is at the center of the change process in the society of The River and The Source, by Margaret Ogolla.  Write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.

“Women go through many challenges as they try to liberate themselves from the oppressive and demeaning social systems.” With illustrations from The River and the Source by Margaret Ogola, justify this statement.      

Despite the numerous challenges faced by the woman, she can still overcome and succeed in life. Write a composition showing the truth of this statement in the light of Magaret Ogolla’s “The River and the source.           

Widowhood pushes women to a disadvantaged position in society. Write an essay in support of this statement basing your answer on The River and The Source by Margret Ogola.

“With determination and commitment, women can attain greatness.” With close reference to the novel The River and The Source by Margaret Ogola justify this statement.

“The River and the source gives credit to women” Write a composition in response to this statement.

Parental guidance is important in shaping up one’s destiny.” Drawing illustrates from the novel The River and The Source by Margaret Ogola. Write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.            

‘Women have faced numerous injustices since time immemorial.’ Write a composition highlighting some of these injustices in the light of The River and The Source by Margaret

“Even in a male dominated society, women can still succeed.” Discuss the validity of this statement basing your discussion on four female characters in the novel, The River and the source by Margaret Ogola

Change is inevitable but it has shortcomings.” Write an essay to show the truth of the above statement, drawing your illustration from the novel, ‘The River and the Source. “By Margaret Ogola.

The River and The Source is a story about the girl child and the woman who is out to fight for her rightful space and assert herself in a society, where she is discriminated and looked down upon by her male counterpart.”

Basing your illustrations from the Novel “The River and The Source of Margaret Ogola, discuss the relevance of the above statement.

The woman’s role in the society has been that of marriage and child bearing. However, with time the woman has become a force to reckon with in the society.     Write an essay in support of this statement using illustrations from Margaret Ogola’s The River and the Source.

Over the years, women have struggled to assert themselves in a male dominated world. There However, have been men who have come in handy to facilitate women’s success in their fight to Claim their right.  With close reference to The River and the Source, write a composition to illustrate this Statement by using three male characters from the text.

"Change is inevitable." With reference to Margaret A. Ogola's, The River and The Source, write an essay to illustrate the truth of this statement.

'Perseverance wins a battle' Using illustrations from The River and the Source, write an easy showing the truth of this statement.

Traditional practices are to blame for the injustices that women face in “The River and the Source”. Using illustrations from the “River and the Source” explore how women characters overcome such challenges.

“The advent of the white man finds a society bound together by strong traditions that are Smoothly and quietly put aside.”

Write an essay based on this statement, drawing illustrations from Margaret Ogola’s novel, The River and the Source.