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Wednesday, November 25, 2020


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Monday, November 23, 2020

The mouth that eats the seeds asks what it will plant: THE INHERITANCE

 The mouth that eats the seeds asks what it will plant: 


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0711 224 186

 Lacuna is described as a lazy greedy man with a liking for carnal pleasures. It is in pursuit of his pleasures that he ends up destroying the foundation of the economic and political independence of his people.

He believes in entertaining his guests, sometimes even referring to the age-old tradition of breaking kora. But he does not think kora is good enough for a man of his stature and the kind of guests that he gets. We would assume kora is home-grown, but he goes for the more exotic, and 'nutritious' apple which we can safely assume is not grown locally. His parties flow with imported wine and coffee re-exported from England to his country. He is also too good to travel overland and has acquired a plane to soar over the gossip, complaints and envy of his people. His court seems to be an endless succession of one party after the other and there are impromptu holidays for his people. These are not ways in which to develop a country's economy.

The sea shapes the destiny of the Kino family :The Pearl

 The sea shapes the destiny of the Kino family:


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0711 224 186

 The Kino family comprises Kino, Juana and Coyotito. They are a poor family living in a brush house by the sea in the outskirts of La Paz and eking out a living from hunting for pearls and fishing from the sea. They are seemingly destined to remain poor pearl hunters.

Juan Tomas, Kino's brother, tells us that Indians are kind of meant to remain poor harvesters of pearls. The people have even tried to get better markets for their harvest from the sea twice, but their noble efforts have come a cropper, with the people charged with the responsibility disappearing with the pearls and the money, never to be heard from again. We are told it is like the town keeps track of its units. Everyone keeps to the beaten track and anyone who tries anything new disappears from the unit, or rather is cast away, never to be heard from again. The Catholic Father never tires in his frequent sermons to remind his congregation that each has been accorded a place in life and must keep it. Trying to do anything different is a betrayal to God who has assigned the roles. Even as they hope to find The Pearl of Destiny, in their hearts they know it is a pat on the back by

The past always has a way of catching up with the present | A /Dolls House

The past always has a way of catching up with the present.

 The choices that we made in the past have consequences that show up in our present lives, sometimes, influencing it negatively.

Nora Helmer made a choice in her first year of marriage that later leads to the breakdown of something for which she had worked so hard and persevered a lot of humiliation to preserve. It was a choice she had made out of her great love for her husband. Torvald Helmer was seriously sick because of overwork and the doctors had recommended that he takes a holiday in

the warmer climes in Italy. Nora tried giving hints to make him get a loan for the trip and eventually told him to get it, but he would hear none of it In this society, only men could get loans with minimal obstacles. Nora takes a loan of 250 pounds to save her husband. The loan is given by Krogstad who gives almost 'impossible conditions' and Ann has to forge not only her father's name but also his signature. Three days after the loan was extended, her father dies.