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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Symbolism in A Doll's House By Henrik Ibsen

 Christmas and New Year Days
The  play is set  at  Christmas  and  New  Year season.  Christmas  and  New  Year  holidays  are  both  associated with  rebirth  and  renewal  and  several  of  the  characters  go through a kind of rebirth over the course of the play.
1. The Helmer’s look forward to the new year with a lot excitement, Torvald will start his new job meaning earning extra money .
2. Krogstad and Linde also have a  fresh  start in
Life having reconciled and decided to start life together as a couple
3. The maid will take the place of a mother in the children’s lives and the children have to do without their mother.

Christmas Tree
The  Christmas  tree  symbolizes  Nora's  role  in  her  household. She  is  only  a  decoration  to  be  looked  at. Torvald uses her to impress himself and he even dresses her up in costumes and makes her dance for him.
Thus it symbolizes  Nora‘s  position  in  her household  as  a  plaything  who  is  pleasing  to  look  at  and  adds charm to the home.
Doll’s House
The title is also symbolic. It represents Helmer’s house where Nora is his doll; to be dressed and played with for his amusement. Nora  tells  Torvald that both he and her father treated her like a doll, and cites this  as  one  of  the  reasons  why  she  has  become  dissatisfied  and disillusioned with her life.
The tarantella
It is used to symbolize Nora's character a  side that  she  cannot  normally  show. The Tarantella is a folk dance from southern Italy. It was originally done as a therapy to cure a poisonous spider bite. The wild  dance  of  Nora  is  a  symbolic  expression  of  her  tragic  inner condition  and,  at  the  same  time,  a  therapeutic  instrument  that  gives  her courage  to  face  up  the  suicide  that  she  plans  to  carry  out.
It is a dance of recovering from the madness  of her fate; Tarantella has the power to heal Nora. You can see After this dance, she will change the fancy dress and wear her ordinary dress, symbolizing Nora’s transformation from the dependent and voiceless person to an independent decisive one.
A need for money affects all the major characters in A Doll’s House. In the play, money symbolizes the power that the characters have over one another.  
  1. Torvald’s for instance has the ability to dictate how much Nora spends on Christmas presents.
  2. Meanwhile, the debt that Nora owes Krogstad allows him to have power over her and Torvald.
  3. 3. Both Nora and Mrs. Linde cannot earn large  incomes because they are women; their inability to access significant amounts of money is one way that they are oppressed . 
  4. The play also shows that, while earning money it leads to power, which can be dangerous.


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