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Monday, August 26, 2019

How To Write a Good Essay


  Essays allow students to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a topic based on research and reading. The essay is written in paragraphs and has a structure that includes: introduction, body and conclusion

      The introduction sets the scene for the whole essay. You should not rewrite the essay question. Instead, the purpose of the introduction is to identify the topic, the position being argued and the main reasons for that position. The introduction will normally move from more general statements related to the question, to a specific statement of the main idea or argument that will be discussed in the body.

Example of an introduction from Blossoms of the Savannah
Our  society comprises of individual with different qualities and character while some may be positive other characters posses traits which are extremely  unpleasant.  In Blossoms of the Savannah the  writer presents Oloisudori and Olarinkoi as two individuals with an extremely obnoxious Traits

     Here you use evidence from readings to explain and support in detail the reasons for your point of view given in the introduction. The body contains a number of paragraphs that link together to develop a strong argument or discussion of the topic. Generally, a paragraph needs to be at least four to six sentences long. A single sentence does not form a paragraph in an essay and bullet points are not acceptable. Each point is developed by one or more paragraphs and supported with specific details. These details can include support from research and reading. All the paragraphs should develop
the main idea of the essay presented in the thesis statement in your introduction.

     Structure of paragraph:
1. a topic sentence: states the topic and the controlling idea and is usually the first sentence in the paragraph.
2. Supporting sentences: to develop the point you are making using information, explanation, examples, and with a smooth flow from one sentence to the next.
3. Evidence: your point should be supported by evidence from the literature or by an example from the subject area.
     4. Concluding Sentence: Each paragraph should end with a final statement that brings together the ideas brought up in the paragraph. Sometimes, it can serve as a transition to the next paragraph.

Sample paragraph from essay “people who do bad deeds to others never go unrepaid”  Blossoms of the Savannah
     (1) Oloisudori is a businessman but with questionable deals. (2) Despite his age, and being polygamous, he shamelessly wants to marry Ole Kaelo’s teenage daughter. He blackmails Ole Kaelo into giving his daughter Resian in marriage to him or forgets his numerous business contracts which Oloisudori had helped Ole Kaelo to secure. He further puts Ole kaelo in a tight corner where he has to forcibly circumcise Taiyo and give her to him in marriage after Resian runs away from home. However, his actions never go unpaid, in a bid to forcibly take his bride from Minik’s ranch, his convoy of vehicles is attacked and several of hi cars burnt. (3) He ends up losing both Resian and Taiyo, his money and his property.

     This is a well-developed paragraph of appropriate length. The first sentence is the topic sentence with a central idea (Oloisudori questionable deals) which is developed through the paragraph with examples supported by evidence.

     The purpose of the conclusion is to summarise and make final evaluative comments on the ideas presented in the essay. It should not contain new ideas or examples. It is crucial to link the conclusion to the essay question.

    The conclusion at the end of your essay serves a number of functions.
• It is the final part of your text and so needs to pull together all the main ideas.
• It should refer back to what you outlined in your introduction and to your thesis.

Sample paragraph from essay (Conclusion) “For Oloisudori and Olarinkoi there is no lesser evil.” (Blossoms of the Savannah
To sum up it is true to say that this two individual possesses a character that is extremely unpleasant a serious change in cultural values  is needed in order to eliminate such individual.


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