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Friday, August 23, 2019

Challenges in African Countries- Memories we Lost and Other Stories

Though now independent, African countries still face many challenges. Using illustrations from Benjamin Branoff’s Window Seat, write a composition in support of this statement.

There are various challenges faced by African countries many years after they attained their independence. The ‘mzungu’ while taking a ride in a
daladala through Dar es Salaam describes some of these challenges as will be illustrated below

Lawlessness on the roads. The vehicles should follow traffic laws for safety. However, law and order is not followed as it should be. Passengers are literally packed. A daladala which is the size of a minivan and should therefore carry ten passengers is loaded with 25 passengers.

Poor infrastructure. The roads are in bad condition. We are told that most of the road is a dusty stretch. 

Poverty. People on the buses are said to be in sandals and others are barefoot. This means that they cannot afford better shoes or cannot afford any shoes at all. The narrator describes Kanga as having a trimmed figure ‘molded by beautiful genes and a lifetime of never ending work and deprivation of luxuries’

Corruption. The police who are supposed to guarantee safety collude with drivers. They solicit bribes to an extent of removing car keys from the ignition.

Pollution. There is pollution everywhere, air pollution from the dust, noise pollution from conductors advertising their daladalas etc. there is also dirt flying by and people burning rubbish and dead foliage on the sides of the road.

From the above illustrations, it is clear that post independent East African countries still face a lot of challenges.


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