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Friday, June 14, 2019

Ole Kulet: Blossoms of the Savannah- Determination Pays

Resian wants to become a doctor like Minik. Her father plans to marry her off so as to save his wealth acquired through Oloisudori’s contracts. She strongly refuses to be circumcised, stops Oloisudori in his tracks, survives near rape attempts the closest being Olarinkoi’s. She finally meets her role model, Minik and with it comes what she has singularly yearned for- further education.

Nabaru has been assigned to nurse Resian with the hope that once she recovers, she would be circumcised and with it become Olarinkoi’s wife. But she changes her mind after spending time with Resian. She becomes her friend and confident and is committed to being part of her rescue plans. She goes out to find a lorry from Minik’s ranch and organizes to ferry Resian to safety. She ensures that nothing would come between them and their plans; not Resian’s sudden ailment, not the rain nor Olarinkoi’s threats. In the end she delivers her safely.

Minik has set herself out as an anti- FGM crusader. This has earned her hatred among her community making them refer to her as the wasp. However, this doesn’t stop her. She rescues Resian and despite the risks posed by Oloisudori rescues Taiyo from Esoit. When Oloisudori follows the two girls to her ranch, she confronts him and humiliates him. She realizes that there is an emerging trend where the rich lure young girls into early marriage and forced circumcision and she vows to change tact. She has over 500 girl she has rescued. She is not about to give up yet

Taiyo has always wanted to study Music. Her father frustrates her dream when he denies her a chance to go to Mombasa after being nominated by an FM station. She models Minik as her role model and vows not to follow archaic cultural practices such as circumcision and polygamy. She is at odds with a culture that curtails her right of choice. Even though she is forcibly circumcised on Oloisudori’s orders, she recovers and vows to pick up her pieces again. In the end she gets to go to Egerton with her sister to pursue her dream career.

When one is singularly focused on something, the obstacles only serve to envision them even more. In the end they achieve what they set out to.


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