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Friday, December 22, 2017

Essay Questions - The Caucasian Chalk Circle

  Get The Caucasian Chalk Circle Essay questions with answer upon payment of KShs 100 through Mpesa to number 0711 224186. Send your email address via SMS to the same number for delivery purpose.

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Q1. “Everyone in society gets what they deserve, whether good or bad.” Write an essay in support of this statement drawing illustrations from the play,” The Caucasian Chalk Circle.”

Q2 . “The gap between the rich and the poor can be controlled through the use of social justice”.Using illustrations from Bertolt Brecht’s, The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay in support of this proposition 

Q3 “What there is, shall go to those who are good for it ...” Basing your arguments on “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” demonstrates the truth of  the above statement.  

Q4.  The society has lost its moral values using The Caucasian Chalk Circle for your illustrations,
show the truth of the statement

Q5  The only way that Azdak can uphold justice is by being unconventional. Write an essay that justifies the unusual things that Azdak does as a judge.

Q6  “The judge was always a rascal! Now a rascal is a judge.”   Write an essay in support of the statement basing your illustrations on the Caucasian Chalk Circle: by Bertolt Bretch

Q7.  It is only through a lot of strive that even the most humble people sustain their existence when faced with difficulties. Using Grusha as an example writes an essay to justify this statement basing your answer on “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” by Bertolt Brecht.

Q8 "True Christianity encompasses staying true to oneself and doing good to all." How ironical has
 the statement been depicted in Bertolt Brecht's The Caucasian Chalk Circle ?

Q9 “Poor governance is a recipe for chaos.” Drawing illustrations from The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay in support of the above statement.

Q10  “Some people usually abandon their close family members during hard times.”
Drawing illustrations from the play The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay illustrating
 the truth in this statement.          

Q11.  “One has to take risks in order to succeed in his / her endeavors.” Using the play, The Caucasian Chalk Circle, by Brecht Bertolt for your illustrations, write an essay showing how Azdak takes risks.

Q12 “Misuse of power is a common phenomenon in a chaotic society”. Drawing your illustrations from the play The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay in support of this statement.

Q13.  The writer of the play, “The Caucasian Chalk Circle‟ has used women characters to develop
humour in the play.   Write an essay to support this statement, closely referring to the old couple, Ludovica, Grusinian Granny, Jussup‟s mother, Aniko and Natella

Q14  “Some people usually abandon their close family members during hard times for the sake
of their fear or material thirst.”   Drawing illustrations from the play  The Caucasian Chalk Circle,
write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.

Q15  What goes around comes around.   Using illustrations from Bertolt Brecht’s
Caucasian Chalk Circle, show the truth of this statement.

Q16.  Using the Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht for your illustration, write an essay negating the saying: Blood is thicker than water‟

Q17.  “The consequences of war are always painful and far reaching.” Support this statement with
 close reference to “The Caucasian Chalk Circle”, by Bertolt Brecht   

Q18 . “During political strife, it is the common man who suffers most.” Basing your argument on Bertolt Bretch Play The Caucasian Chalk Circle. Justify the truth of this statement.

Q19. The playwright has employed use of songs by characters to enhance our understanding an entertaining story by the singer, Arkadi. With reference to any three songs by Grusha and any one by Judge Azdak show the truth of this statement

Q20. “There are characters professing Christians faith but mere pretenders.” Support this
 Statement drawing your illustration from the Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht.      

Q21. The leadership class is to blame for the atrocities encountered by the masses in this play. Validate this   statement using illustrations from the play, “The Caucasian Chalk Circle.”

Q22. “Bad governance breeds conflicts and suffering.”   Show the truthfulness of the above    statement using illustrations from Bertlot Bretch‟s play, The Caucasian chalk Circle.

Q23 . “What there is shall go to those who are good for it.” Drawing illustrations from the play The Caucasian Chalk Circle,‟ show the truth of this statement.

Q24 “Natella   Abashwili is an epitome of a woman thrashed into the seat of power and affluence and in the process denied the opportunity to be a real mother.”   Write an essay to show how relevant this statement is in relation to the events in The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht

Q25 "Nothing belongs to us by right; only proper care justifies ownership.” Making reference to the play. The Caucasian Chalk Circle By Bertolt Brecht, write an essay to show proof of the above statement.

Q26  The society depicted in The Caucasian Chalk Circle is one that ignores important issues and gives priority to less serious  ones often leading to disastrous consequences. Discuss the validity of the statement with illustrations from the play. 

Q27 It is only through a lot of strive that even the most humble people sustain their existence when faced with difficulties.  Using Grusha and Azdak as examples write an essay to justify this statement basing your answer on The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertolt Brecht.

 Q28 The writer uses the prologue as precursor to major events in the text. Discuss the relevance of the prologue in the play The Caucasian Chalk circle.

 Q29 . “More often than not, people in advantaged positions tend to misuse power to the detriment of their subjects.” using illustrations from the play,    The Caucasian chalk circle, write an essay in support of this statement.

Q30 . “Having given birth does not qualify someone to be mother of a child, but the care and nurture offered to that child is the one that does so.” With illustrations from Bertloit Brecht’s The Caucasian Chalk Circle, qualify this statement.  

Q31. Write an essay on the disputes that arise in the play, and how each of them is resolved.  
Q32. “A discussion among members of same community in an atmosphere of mutual respect and honesty can achieve so much in such a short time.” Write an essay in support of this
statement drawing illustrations from “The Caucasian Chalk Circle” by Bertloit Brecht’s.

Q33. “A person controlled by greed has no sense of justice” drawing your illustrations from The Caucasian Chalk Circle by Bertlot Brecht, write an essay supporting this statement.

Q34 .  Write an essay on the effectiveness of any four songs used in Bertloi Brecht’s .  “The Caucasian Chalk Circle.”

Q35. “Azdak is justified in giving Grusha Vashnadze the custody of Michael.”
Using illustrations from the play The Caucasian Chalk Circle, discuss this statement.

Q36. “The conflicts and suffering witnessed in The Caucasian Chalk Circle is due to bad governance.” Justify this statement.  

Q37. “Human weaknesses affect characters negatively”.  Write a composition in support of the       above statement drawing your illustrations from The Caucasian Chalk Circle.       

Q38. “What there is a Shall go to those who are good for it”. With illustrations from the play The Caucasian Chalk Circle, write an essay in support of this statement.                                  

Q39. Drawing illustrations from what Grusha goes through in order to save and adopt Michael, write an essay on the challenges of being a good person in a rotten society.                     

Q40. “True motherhood is not necessarily biological” Write an essay illustrating this statement using Bertlot Brecht’s, The Caucasian Chalk Circle”.

Download the Questions Here: Caucasian chalk Circle Essay Questions 


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