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Sunday, July 30, 2017

The River and The Source Essay Question


  “Gender imbalance only causes misery in society.” Write an essay in support of this statement, drawing your illustrations from The River and the Source.

·         Drawing examples from the lives of married couples in The River and the Source, write an essay on the importance of commitment to family.

·         Write an essay discussing satire in the novel “The River and the Source”

·         “A river is as good as its source.” Drawing examples from the lives of Akoko and her descendants in The River and the source, write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement.

·         The novel is rich in oral literature devices. Write an essay describing three such devices and indicate how they contribute to The River and the Source.

·         The church has played an important role in empowering women. Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel ‘The River and the Source’

·         “As far as marriage is concerned, change is for the best.” Write an essay to justify this statement. Refer to Ogola’s The River and the Source for your illustrations

·         Desire without limit can be a source of agony for ourselves and those around use. Discuss this statement with close reference to the novel ‘The River and the Source’

·         “It requires a strong character to survive in a male-dominated society.” Write an essay illustrating the truth of this statement with reference to Akoko in The River and the Source.

·         “Gender imbalance should not be an impediment to a woman’s success.” Write an essay in support of this statement, drawing your illustrations from The River and the Source.


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