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Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sacraments of the Catholic Church in Caucasian

Throughout the play are dispersed the Seven Sacraments of the Catholic Church.

CONFIRMATION- The first one appears when Simon and Grusha agree to become engaged. The engagement is sealed when Simon gives her his silver chain. This represents the act of Confirmation, and it is the first of the seven Catholic sacraments that will appear in the play.

BAPTISM- When Grusha flees with Michael to the mountains, she finally decides he belongs to her and performs a Baptism, saying: “I'll wash you and christen you/ With glacier water” (Scene 3) This is not the Church’s baptism but a human bond recognized by Grusha towards the child

COMMUNION- (the service of christian worship at which bread and wine are consecrated and shared) Azdak shares wine with Granny and Irakli. The Singer comments that "Broken law like bread he gave them." This is almost a direct comparison of Azdak to Christ

PENANCE- (a Christian sacrament in which a member of the Church confesses sins to a priest and is given forgiveness) comically performed by Azdak when he rushes into town with his confession that he let the Grand Duke escape.

MATRIMONY- the sacrament of marriage is made a farce when Grusha is forced into marrying Jussup, and he crudely tells her the purpose of marriage is for her to serve him in bed and in the fields. Simon on the other hand, stands by Grusha, “for better or worse.”

HOLY ORDERs (the sacrament or rite of ordination as a member of the Christian clergy, especially in the grades of bishop, priest, or deacon) At Jussup’s farm in the mountains, the drunken priest represents Holy Orders,

EXTREME UNCTION (Last Rites or the Anointing of the Sick)- Monk asks Jussup mother if she would like him to perform extreme unction, a sacrament in which the dead are anointed. She refuses, claiming that the wedding cost too much already. 


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